Deep residual networks for automatic segmentation of laparoscopic videos of the liver.

Proceedings of SPIE(2017)

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Motivation: For primary and metastatic liver cancer patients undergoing liver resection, a laparoscopic approach can reduce recovery times and morbidity while offering equivalent curative results; however, only about 10% of tumours reside in anatomical locations that are currently accessible for laparoscopic resection. Augmenting laparoscopic video with registered vascular anatomical models from pre-procedure imaging could support using laparoscopy in a wider population. Segmentation of liver tissue on laparoscopic video supports the robust registration of anatomical liver models by filtering out false anatomical correspondences between pre-procedure and intra-procedure images. In this paper, we present a convolutional neural network (CNN) approach to liver segmentation in laparoscopic liver procedure videos. Method: We defined a CNN architecture comprising fully-convolutional deep residual networks with multi-resolution loss functions. The CNN was trained in a leave-one-patient-out cross-validation on 2050 video frames from 6 liver resections and 7 laparoscopic staging procedures, and evaluated using the Dice score. Results: The CNN yielded segmentations with Dice scores >= 0.95 for the majority of images; however, the inter-patient variability in median Dice score was substantial. Four failure modes were identified from low scoring segmentations: minimal visible liver tissue, inter-patient variability in liver appearance, automatic exposure correction, and pathological liver tissue that mimics non-liver tissue appearance. Conclusion: CNNs offer a feasible approach for accurately segmenting liver from other anatomy on laparoscopic video, but additional data or computational advances are necessary to address challenges due to the high inter-patient variability in liver appearance.
Segmentation,deep learning,laparoscopic video,liver resection,liver staging,minimally invasive surgery,image-guided interventions
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