Dynamic hair modeling from monocular videos using deep neural networks

ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG)(2019)

引用 33|浏览208
We introduce a deep learning based framework for modeling dynamic hairs from monocular videos, which could be captured by a commodity video camera or downloaded from Internet. The framework mainly consists of two neural networks, i.e., HairSpatNet for inferring 3D spatial features of hair geometry from 2D image features, and HairTempNet for extracting temporal features of hair motions from video frames. The spatial features are represented as 3D occupancy fields depicting the hair volume shapes and 3D orientation fields indicating the hair growing directions. The temporal features are represented as bidirectional 3D warping fields, describing the forward and backward motions of hair strands cross adjacent frames. Both HairSpatNet and HairTempNet are trained with synthetic hair data. The spatial and temporal features predicted by the networks are subsequently used for growing hair strands with both spatial and temporal consistency. Experiments demonstrate that our method is capable of constructing plausible dynamic hair models that closely resemble the input video, and compares favorably to previous single-view techniques.
deep convolutional neural networks, dynamic hair modeling
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