
Characterization of synthetic riboswitch in cell-free protein expression systems


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Riboswitches are RNA-based regulatory elements that utilize ligand-induced structural changes in the 5MODIFIER LETTER PRIME-untranslated region of mRNA to regulate the expression of associated genes. The majority of synthetic riboswitches have been selected and tested in cell-based systems. Cell-free protein expression systems (CFPS) have several advantages for the development and testing of synthetic riboswitches, including eliminating interactions with complex cellular networks, and the decoupling of transcription and translation processes. To gain a better understanding of the riboswitch regulatory mechanism, to allow for more efficient riboswitch optimization and use for biosensing applications, we studied the performance of a theophylline-responsive synthetic riboswitch coupled with the superfolder green fluorescent protein (sfGFP) reporter gene in E. coli cellular extract and PURE cell-free systems. To monitor the mRNA dynamics, a malachite green aptamer sequence was added to the 3MODIFIER LETTER PRIME-untranslated region of sfGFP mRNA. Performance of the theophylline riboswitch was compared with a constitutively expressed sfGFP (control). Transcription dynamics of the riboswitch mRNA was very similar to the transcription of the control mRNA for all theophylline concentrations tested in both E. coli extract and PURE CFPS. However, sfGFP expression in the riboswitch construct was one order of magnitude lower, even at the highest concentration of theophylline. A mathematical model of riboswitch activation governed by the kinetic trapping mechanism was developed. Two factors - a reduced fraction of mRNA in the 'ON' state and a considerably lower translation initiation rate in the riboswitch - contribute to the much lower level of protein expression in the theophylline riboswitch compared to the control construct.
Riboswitch, cell-free protein expression systems, dose response, riboswitch activation, kinetic modelling
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