On mechanisms of light-induced deformations in photoreceptors

bioRxiv (Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory)(2020)

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Photoreceptors in the retina convert light into electrical signals through a phototransduction cycle that consists of multiple electrical and biochemical events. Phase-resolved optical coherence tomography (pOCT) measurements of the optical path length (OPL) change in the cone photoreceptor outer segments after a light stimulus (optoretinogram) reveal a fast, ms-scale contraction by tens of nm, followed by a slow (hundreds of ms) elongation reaching hundreds of nm. Ultrafast measurements with a line-scan pOCT system show that the contractile response amplitude increases logarithmically with the number of incident photons, and its peak shifts earlier at higher stimulus intensities. We present a model that accounts for these features of the contractile response. Conformational changes in opsins after photoisomerization result in the fractional shift of charge across the disk membrane, leading to a transmembrane voltage change, known as the early receptor potential (ERP). Lateral repulsion of the ions on both sides of the membrane affects its surface tension and leads to its lateral expansion. Since the volume of the disks does not change much on a ms time scale, their lateral expansion leads to an axial contraction of the outer segment. With increasing stimulus intensity and resulting tension, the area expansion coefficient of the disk membrane also increases as thermally-induced fluctuations are pulled flat, resisting further expansion. This results in a logarithmic saturation of the deformation and a peak shift to earlier with brighter stimuli. Slow expansion of the photoreceptors is explained by the influx of water due to osmotic changes during phototransduction. Both effects closely match measurements in healthy human volunteers.
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