OntoPoetry : Postdata Ontology for poetry domain


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The idiosyncrasy of literary studies has been an obstacle to its technological improvement for years, especially to represent their knowledge in a machine-readable format. The richness, variety, and different study`s perspectives that scholars find in their studies make this task a highly complex challenge. This complexity is even more noticed in the poetry genre, where each poetic tradition has independently developed its analytical terminology and methodology. In this work, we have addressed the construction of a poetry ontology to express the scholar ́s knowledge spread out in isolated databases or works. Ontopoetry ontology has been developed following Neon methodology, and it has been structured in three modules: a) core, b) poetic analysis and c) transmission, covering the essential aspects in a poetry literary study. Ontopoetry core module has been aligned with FRBRoo ontology guaranteeing its interoperability. This paper is focused on the description of the core module, its classes and relationships and the design decisions taken during the process. We also describe the proposed controlled vocabularies for this module and their relationship with the remaining modules.
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