
Abbreviated Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Imaging Versus Echocardiography for Interval Assessment of Systolic Function in Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy: Patient Satisfaction, Clinical Utility, and Image Quality

˜The œinternational journal of cardiovascular imaging(2023)

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Purpose Poor acoustic windows make interval assessment of systolic function in patients with (Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy) DMD by echocardiography (echo) difficult. Cardiac magnetic resonance imaging (CMR) can be challenging in DMD patients due to study duration and patient discomfort. We developed an abbreviated CMR (aCMR) protocol and hypothesized that aCMR would compare favorably to echo in image quality and clinical utility without significant differences in exam duration, patient satisfaction, and functional measurements. Methods DMD patients were recruited prospectively to undergo echo and aCMR. Modalities were compared with a global quality assessment score (GQAS), clinical utility score (CUS), and patient satisfaction score (PSS). Results were compared using Wilcoxon signed-rank tests, Spearman correlations, intraclass correlations, and Bland-Altman analyses. Results Nineteen DMD patients were included. PSS scores and exam duration were equivalent between modalities, while CUS and GQAS scores favored aCMR. ACMR scored markedly higher than echo in RV visualization and assessment of atrial size. Older age was negatively correlated with echo GQAS and CUS scores, as well as aCMR PSS scores. Higher BMI was positively correlated with aCMR GQAS scores. Nighttime PPV requirement and non-ambulatory status were correlated with worse echo CUS scores. Poor image quality precluding quantification existed in five (26%) echo and zero (0%) aCMR studies. There was moderate correlation between aCMR and echo for global circumferential strain and left ventricular four chamber global longitudinal strain. Conclusion The aCMR protocol resulted in improved clinical relevance and quality scores relative to echo, without significant detriment to patient satisfaction or exam duration.
Duchenne muscular dystrophy,Cardiac magnetic resonance imaging,Echocardiography
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