Are Sample-Efficient NLP Models More Robust?


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Recent work has observed that pre-trained models have higher out-of-distribution (OOD) robustness when they are exposed to less in-distribution (ID) training data (Radford et al., 2021). In particular, zero-shot models (e.g., GPT-3 and CLIP) have higher robustness than conventionally fine-tuned models, but these robustness gains fade as zero-shot models are fine-tuned on more ID data. We study this relationship between sample efficiency and robustness -- if two models have the same ID performance, does the model trained on fewer examples (higher sample efficiency) perform better OOD (higher robustness)? Surprisingly, experiments across three tasks, 23 total ID-OOD settings, and 14 models do not reveal a consistent relationship between sample efficiency and robustness -- while models with higher sample efficiency are sometimes more robust, most often there is no change in robustness, with some cases even showing decreased robustness. Since results vary on a case-by-case basis, we conduct detailed case studies of two particular ID-OOD pairs (SST-2 -> IMDb sentiment and SNLI -> HANS) to better understand why better sample efficiency may or may not yield higher robustness; attaining such an understanding requires case-by-case analysis of why models are not robust on a particular ID-OOD setting and how modeling techniques affect model capabilities.
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