“There may not be a rainbow sticker at the door, but there are my rainbow shoes”: A qualitative exploration of resilience among LGBTQ+ adults in physical activity contexts

Psychology of Sport and Exercise(2023)

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Researchers have identified LGBTQ + -specific stressors that hinder physical activity participation; however, LGBTQ + resilience against these stressors has yet to be explored. The purpose of this study was to gain an understanding of how LGBTQ + resilience is experienced within physical activity. Ten focus groups with LGBTQ + adults (N = 36) were conducted online and subject to abductive thematic analysis. Experiences of individual resilience were conceptualized through the interplay of: (a) persistence-adaptability (ranging from being regimented with physical activity to being flexible and amenable to changes), (b) toughness-tenderness (possessing mental grit to self-kindness), and (c) complaisance-resistance (internalizing to resisting norms that govern physical activity). Participants also described three sites for community resilience: (a) LGBTQ + communities that provided pivotal social support, but rarely for physical activity, (b) digital communities that could support or thwart LGBTQ + resilience, but often prioritized aesthetics, and (c) physical activity communities that supported participation, but often perpetuated LGBTQ + exclusion.
Exercise,Gender studies,Sexuality,Minority stress,Self-compassion
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