
Visual Field Abnormalities in Early-Stage Diabetic Retinopathy Assessed by Chromatic Perimetry.

Investigative ophthalmology & visual science(2023)

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PURPOSE. The purpose of this study was to define the nature and extent of sensitivity loss using chromatic perimetry in diabetics who have mild or no retinopathy. METHODS. Thirty-four individuals with type II diabetes mellitus who have mild nonproliferative diabetic retinopathy (MDR; N = 17) or no diabetic retinopathy (NDR; N = 17) and 15 visually normal, non-diabetic controls participated. Sensitivity was assessed along the horizontal visual field meridian using an Octopus 900 perimeter. Measurements were performed under light- and dark-adapted conditions using long-wavelength (red) and short-wavelength (blue) Goldmann III targets. Cumulative defect curves (CDCs) were constructed to determine whether field sensitivity loss was diffuse or localized. RESULTS. Sensitivity was reduced significantly under light-adapted conditions for both stimulus colors for the NDR (mean defect +/- SEM = - 2.1 dB +/- 0.6) and MDR (mean defect +/- SEM = -4.0 dB +/- 0.7) groups. Sensitivity was also reduced under dark-adapted conditions for both stimulus colors for the NDR (mean defect +/- SEM = -1.9 dB +/- 0.7) and MDR (mean defect +/- SEM = -4.5 +/- 1.0 dB) groups. For both diabetic groups, field loss tended to be diffuse under light-adapted conditions (up to 6.9 dB loss) and localized under dark-adapted conditions (up to 15.4 dB loss). CONCLUSIONS. Visual field sensitivity losses suggest neural abnormalities in early stage diabetic eye disease and the pattern of the sensitivity losses differed depending on the adaptation conditions. Chromatic perimetry may be useful for subtyping individuals who have mild or no diabetic retinopathy and for better understanding their neural dysfunction.
diabetic retinopathy (DR),visual field perimetry,visual sensitivity,neural dysfunction
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