
LSTM-based real-time signal quality assessment for blood volume pulse analysis.

Biomedical optics express(2023)

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Remote photoplethysmogram (rPPG) is a low-cost method to extract blood volume pulse (BVP). Some crucial vital signs, such as heart rate (HR) and respiratory rate (RR) etc. can be achieved from BVP for clinical medicine and healthcare application. As compared to the conventional PPG methods, rPPG is more promising because of its non-contacted measurement. However, both BVP detection methods, especially rPPG, are susceptible to motion and illumination artifacts, which lead to inaccurate estimation of vital signs. Signal quality assessment (SQA) is a method to measure the quality of BVP signals and ensure the credibility of estimated physiological parameters. But the existing SQA methods are not suitable for real-time processing. In this paper, we proposed an end-to-end BVP signal quality evaluation method based on a long short-term memory network (LSTM-SQA). Two LSTM-SQA models were trained using the BVP signals obtained with PPG and rPPG techniques so that the quality of BVP signals derived from these two methods can be evaluated, respectively. As there is no publicly available rPPG dataset with quality annotations, we designed a training sample generation method with blind source separation, by which two kinds of training datasets respective to PPG and rPPG were built. Each dataset consists of 38400 high and low-quality BVP segments. The achieved models were verified on three public datasets (IIP-HCI dataset, UBFC-Phys dataset, and LGI-PPGI dataset). The experimental results show that the proposed LSTM-SQA models can effectively predict the quality of the BVP signal in real-time.
blood volume pulse analysis,lstm-based,real-time
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