Domain Generalization via Independent Regularization from Early-branching Networks

ICLR 2023(2023)

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Learning domain-invariant feature representations is critical for achieving domain generalization, where a model is required to perform well on unseen domains. The critical challenge is that standard training often results in entangled domain-invariant and domain-specific features. To address this issue, we use a dual-branching network to learn two features, one for the domain classification problem and the other for the original target classification problem, and the feature of the latter is required to be independent of the former. While this idea seems straightforward, we show that several factors need to be carefully considered for it to work effectively. In particular, we investigate different branching structures and discover that the common practice of using a shared base feature extractor with two lightweight prediction heads is detrimental to the performance. Instead, a simple early-branching architecture, where the domain classification and target classification branches share the first few blocks while diverging thereafter, leads to better results. Moreover, we also incorporate a random style augmentation scheme as an extension to further unleash the power of the proposed method, which can be seamlessly integrated into the dual-branching network by our loss terms. Such an extension gives rise to an effective domain generalization method. Experimental results show that the proposed method outperforms state-of-the-art domain generalization methods on various benchmark datasets.
domain generalization,representational learning
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