PathAsst: A Generative Foundation AI Assistant towards Artificial General Intelligence of Pathology

AAAI 2024(2024)

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As advances in large language models (LLMs) and multimodal techniques continue to mature, the development of general-purpose multimodal large language models (MLLMs) has surged, offering significant applications in interpreting natural images. However, the field of pathology has largely remained untapped, particularly in gathering high-quality data and designing comprehensive model frameworks. To bridge the gap in pathology MLLMs, we present PathAsst, a multimodal generative foundation AI assistant to revolutionize diagnostic and predictive analytics in pathology. The development of PathAsst involves three pivotal steps: data acquisition, CLIP model adaptation, and the training of PathAsst's multimodal generative capabilities. Firstly, we collect over 207K high-quality pathology image-text pairs from authoritative sources. Leveraging the advanced power of ChatGPT, we generate over 180K instruction-following samples. Furthermore, we devise additional instruction-following data specifically tailored for invoking eight pathology-specific sub-models we prepared, allowing the PathAsst to effectively collaborate with these models, enhancing its diagnostic ability. Secondly, by leveraging the collected data, we construct PathCLIP, a pathology-dedicated CLIP, to enhance PathAsst's capabilities in interpreting pathology images. Finally, we integrate PathCLIP with the Vicuna-13b and utilize pathology-specific instruction-tuning data to enhance the multimodal generation capacity of PathAsst and bolster its synergistic interactions with sub-models. The experimental results of PathAsst show the potential of harnessing AI-powered generative foundation model to improve pathology diagnosis and treatment processes. We open-source our dataset, as well as a comprehensive toolkit for extensive pathology data collection and preprocessing at
CV: Language and Vision,CV: Medical and Biological Imaging,CV: Multi-modal Vision,NLP: (Large) Language Models,NLP: Applications,NLP: Language Grounding & Multi-modal NLP
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