ReLU to the Rescue: Improve Your On-Policy Actor-Critic with Positive Advantages


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In this paper, we introduce a novel method for enhancing the effectiveness of on-policy Deep Reinforcement Learning (DRL) algorithms. Current on-policy algorithms, such as Proximal Policy Optimization (PPO) and Asynchronous Advantage Actor-Critic (A3C), do not sufficiently account for cautious interaction with the environment. Our method addresses this gap by explicitly integrating cautious interaction in two critical ways: by maximizing a lower-bound on the true value function plus a constant, thereby promoting a \textit{conservative value estimation}, and by incorporating Thompson sampling for cautious exploration. These features are realized through three surprisingly simple modifications to the A3C algorithm: processing advantage estimates through a ReLU function, spectral normalization, and dropout. We provide theoretical proof that our algorithm maximizes the lower bound, which also grounds Regret Matching Policy Gradients (RMPG), a discrete-action on-policy method for multi-agent reinforcement learning. Our rigorous empirical evaluations across various benchmarks consistently demonstrates our approach's improved performance against existing on-policy algorithms. This research represents a substantial step towards more cautious and effective DRL algorithms, which has the potential to unlock application to complex, real-world problems.
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