Retrieval-Enhanced Visual Prompt Learning for Few-shot Classification

Jintao Rong,Hao Chen, Tianxiao Chen,Linlin Ou,Xinyi Yu,Yifan Liu


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Prompt learning has become a popular approach for adapting large vision-language models, such as CLIP, to downstream tasks. Typically, prompt learning relies on a fixed prompt token or an input-conditional token to fit a small amount of data under full supervision. While this paradigm can generalize to a certain range of unseen classes, it may struggle when domain gap increases, such as in fine-grained classification and satellite image segmentation. To address this limitation, we propose Retrieval-enhanced Prompt learning (RePrompt), which introduces retrieval mechanisms to cache the knowledge representations from downstream tasks. we first construct a retrieval database from training examples, or from external examples when available. We then integrate this retrieval-enhanced mechanism into various stages of a simple prompt learning baseline. By referencing similar samples in the training set, the enhanced model is better able to adapt to new tasks with few samples. Our extensive experiments over 15 vision datasets, including 11 downstream tasks with few-shot setting and 4 domain generalization benchmarks, demonstrate that RePrompt achieves considerably improved performance. Our proposed approach provides a promising solution to the challenges faced by prompt learning when domain gap increases. The code and models will be available.
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