"If I'm supposed to be the facilitator, I should be the host": Understanding the Accessibility of Videoconferencing for Blind and Low Vision Meeting Facilitators

ASSETS '23: Proceedings of the 25th International ACM SIGACCESS Conference on Computers and Accessibility(2023)

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With remote work becoming a prevalent practice, the use of videoconferencing tools has signifcantly increased. While the accessibility of these tools in remote work has been studied previously, there is a lack of understanding of how professionals with disabilities conduct meetings using them and what accessibility means in this context. To fll this gap, we investigated the experience and accessibility practices of 18 blind and low vision (BLV) meeting facilitators who regularly use videoconferencing tools. Our fndings reveal that BLV professionals undertake several steps to facilitate meetings efectively, including preparing materials in advance, ensuring the security of the meetings, maintaining awareness of attendees' activity, coordinating with co-hosts to overcome accessibility obstacles, maintaining professionalism, and advocating for accessible meeting practices and technology. We discuss how our fndings reveal barriers to career advancement for BLV professionals, help understand the interdependent activity of meeting facilitators and co-hosts, and provide recommendations for making videoconferencing more accessible.
blind and low vision,remote work,videoconferencing,facilitators,hosts,career advancement,accessibility
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