Towards Optimal Compression: Joint Pruning and Quantization

arXiv (Cornell University)(2023)

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Model compression is instrumental in optimizing deep neural network inference on resource-constrained hardware. The prevailing methods for network compression, namely quantization and pruning, have been shown to enhance efficiency at the cost of performance. Determining the most effective quantization and pruning strategies for individual layers and parameters remains a challenging problem, often requiring computationally expensive and ad hoc numerical optimization techniques. This paper introduces FITCompress, a novel method integrating layer-wise mixed-precision quantization and unstructured pruning using a unified heuristic approach. By leveraging the Fisher Information Metric and path planning through compression space, FITCompress optimally selects a combination of pruning mask and mixed-precision quantization configuration for a given pre-trained model and compression constraint. Experiments on computer vision and natural language processing benchmarks demonstrate that our proposed approach achieves a superior compression-performance trade-off compared to existing state-of-the-art methods. FITCompress stands out for its principled derivation, making it versatile across tasks and network architectures, and represents a step towards achieving optimal compression for neural networks.
optimal compression,joint pruning
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