Differentially-Private Hierarchical Federated Learning


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While federated learning (FL) eliminates the transmission of raw data over a network, it is still vulnerable to privacy breaches from the communicated model parameters. In this work, we propose Hierarchical Federated Learning with Hierarchical Differential Privacy (H^2FDP), a DP-enhanced FL methodology for jointly optimizing privacy and performance in hierarchical networks. Building upon recent proposals for Hierarchical Differential Privacy (HDP), one of the key concepts of H^2FDP is adapting DP noise injection at different layers of an established FL hierarchy – edge devices, edge servers, and cloud servers – according to the trust models within particular subnetworks. We conduct a comprehensive analysis of the convergence behavior of H^2FDP, revealing conditions on parameter tuning under which the training process converges sublinearly to a finite stationarity gap that depends on the network hierarchy, trust model, and target privacy level. Leveraging these relationships, we develop an adaptive control algorithm for H^2FDP that tunes properties of local model training to minimize communication energy, latency, and the stationarity gap while striving to maintain a sub-linear convergence rate and meet desired privacy criteria. Subsequent numerical evaluations demonstrate that H^2FDP obtains substantial improvements in these metrics over baselines for different privacy budgets, and validate the impact of different system configurations.
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