AICAttack: Adversarial Image Captioning Attack with Attention-Based Optimization

Jiyao Li,Mingze Ni, Yifei Dong,Tianqing Zhu,Wei Liu


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Recent advances in deep learning research have shown remarkable achievements across many tasks in computer vision (CV) and natural language processing (NLP). At the intersection of CV and NLP is the problem of image captioning, where the related models' robustness against adversarial attacks has not been well studied. In this paper, we present a novel adversarial attack strategy, which we call AICAttack (Attention-based Image Captioning Attack), designed to attack image captioning models through subtle perturbations on images. Operating within a black-box attack scenario, our algorithm requires no access to the target model's architecture, parameters, or gradient information. We introduce an attention-based candidate selection mechanism that identifies the optimal pixels to attack, followed by Differential Evolution (DE) for perturbing pixels' RGB values. We demonstrate AICAttack's effectiveness through extensive experiments on benchmark datasets with multiple victim models. The experimental results demonstrate that our method surpasses current leading-edge techniques by effectively distributing the alignment and semantics of words in the output.
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