
Correcting Optical Aberration Via Depth-Aware Point Spread Functions.

IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence(2024)

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Optical aberration is a ubiquitous degeneration in realistic lens-based imaging systems. Optical aberrations are caused by the differences in the optical path length when light travels through different regions of the camera lens with different incident angles. The blur and chromatic aberrations manifest significant discrepancies when the optical system changes. This work designs a transferable and effective image simulation system of simple lenses via multi-wavelength, depth-aware, spatially-variant four-dimensional point spread functions (4D-PSFs) estimation by changing a small amount of lens-dependent parameters. The image simulation system can alleviate the overhead of dataset collecting and exploiting the principle of computational imaging for effective optical aberration correction. With the guidance of domain knowledge about the image formation model provided by the 4D-PSFs, we establish a multi-scale optical aberration correction network for degraded image reconstruction, which consists of a scene depth estimation branch and an image restoration branch. Specifically, we propose to predict adaptive filters with the depth-aware PSFs and carry out dynamic convolutions, which facilitate the model's generalization in various scenes. We also employ convolution and self-attention mechanisms for global and local feature extraction and realize a spatially-variant restoration. The multi-scale feature extraction complements the features across different scales and provides fine details and contextual features. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our proposed algorithm performs favorably against state-of-the-art restoration methods.
Optical imaging,Adaptive optics,Optical filters,Lenses,Image restoration,Optical diffraction,Feature extraction,Point spread functions,optical aberration correction,scene depth estimation,image simulation
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