MatAtlas: Text-driven Consistent Geometry Texturing and Material Assignment

Duygu Ceylan,Valentin Deschaintre,Thibault Groueix, Rosalie Martin, Chun-Hao Huang, Romain Rouffet,Vladimir Kim, Gaëtan Lassagne


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We present MatAtlas, a method for consistent text-guided 3D model texturing. Following recent progress we leverage a large scale text-to-image generation model (e.g., Stable Diffusion) as a prior to texture a 3D model. We carefully design an RGB texturing pipeline that leverages a grid pattern diffusion, driven by depth and edges. By proposing a multi-step texture refinement process, we significantly improve the quality and 3D consistency of the texturing output. To further address the problem of baked-in lighting, we move beyond RGB colors and pursue assigning parametric materials to the assets. Given the high-quality initial RGB texture, we propose a novel material retrieval method capitalized on Large Language Models (LLM), enabling editabiliy and relightability. We evaluate our method on a wide variety of geometries and show that our method significantly outperform prior arts. We also analyze the role of each component through a detailed ablation study.
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