Optimizing the use of next-generation sequencing assays in patients with urothelial carcinoma: recommendations by the 2023 San Raffaele Retreat panel

Clinical Genitourinary Cancer(2024)

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Background The application of precision medicine in clinical practice implies a thorough evaluation of actionable genomic alterations to streamline therapeutic decision making. Comprehensive genomic profiling of tumor via next-generation sequencing (NGS) represents a great opportunity but also several challenges. During the 2023 San Raffaele Retreat, we aimed to provide expert recommendations for the optimal use of NGS in urothelial carcinoma (UC). Materials and Methods A modified Delphi method was utilized, involving a panel of 12 experts in UC from European and United States centers, including oncologists, urologists, pathologists, and translational scientists. An initial survey, conducted before the meeting, delivered 15 statements to the panel. A consensus was defined when ≥70% agreement was reached for each statement. Statements not meeting the consensus threshold were discussed during the meeting. Results Nine of the 15 statements covering patient selection, cancer characteristics, and type of NGS assay, achieved a consensus during the survey. The remaining six statements addressing the optimal timing of NGS use, the ideal source of tumor biospecimen for NGS testing, and the subsequent need to evaluate the germline nature of certain genomic findings were discussed during the meeting, leading to unanimous agreement at the end of the conference. Conclusion This consensus-building effort addressed multiple unanswered questions regarding the use of NGS in UC. The opinion of experts was in favor of broader use of NGS. In a setting where recommendations/guidelines may be limited, these insights may aid clinicians to provide informed counselling and raise the bar of precision and personalized therapy. Micro-abstract During the second edition of the “San Raffaele Urologic Oncology Retreat” held in Milan, November 17, 2023, a group of experts discussed the role of next-generation sequencing (NGS) in urothelial carcinoma (UC). This expert consensus supports wider NGS use in UC. Our insights bridge guideline gaps with the aim to enhance informed decision-making, patient counseling, and eligibility for clinical trials.
Urothelial carcinoma,next-generation sequencing,germline testing,clinical recommendations,targeted therapies
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