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Career Trajectory
He has published extensively with over 300 technical papers in the areas of signal processing for communication, biometrics recognition, authentication, image forensics, machine learning and AI. He has two USA and one Singapore patents granted.
Dr. Kot served as Associate Editor for a number of IEEE transactions, including IEEE TSP, IMM, TCSVT, TCAS-I, TCAS-II, TIP, SPM, SPL, JSTSP, JASP, TIFS, etc. He was a TC member for several IEEE Technical Committee in SPS and CASS. He has served the IEEE in various capacities such as the General Co-Chair for the 2004 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP) and area/track chairs for several IEEE flagship conferences. He also served as the IEEE Signal Processing Society Distinguished Lecturer Program Coordinator and the Chapters Chair for IEEE Signal Processing Chapters worldwide. He received the Best Teacher of The Year Award at NTU, the Microsoft MSRA Award and as a co-author for several award papers. He was elected as the IEEE CAS Distinguished Lecturer in 2005. He was a Vice President in the Signal Processing Society and IEEE Signal Processing Society Distinguished Lecturer. He is now a Fellow of the Academy of Engineering, Singapore, a Fellow of IEEE and a Fellow of IES.
Dr. Kot served as Associate Editor for a number of IEEE transactions, including IEEE TSP, IMM, TCSVT, TCAS-I, TCAS-II, TIP, SPM, SPL, JSTSP, JASP, TIFS, etc. He was a TC member for several IEEE Technical Committee in SPS and CASS. He has served the IEEE in various capacities such as the General Co-Chair for the 2004 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP) and area/track chairs for several IEEE flagship conferences. He also served as the IEEE Signal Processing Society Distinguished Lecturer Program Coordinator and the Chapters Chair for IEEE Signal Processing Chapters worldwide. He received the Best Teacher of The Year Award at NTU, the Microsoft MSRA Award and as a co-author for several award papers. He was elected as the IEEE CAS Distinguished Lecturer in 2005. He was a Vice President in the Signal Processing Society and IEEE Signal Processing Society Distinguished Lecturer. He is now a Fellow of the Academy of Engineering, Singapore, a Fellow of IEEE and a Fellow of IES.
Research Interests
Papers共 471 篇Author StatisticsCo-AuthorSimilar Experts
By YearBy Citation主题筛选期刊级别筛选合作者筛选合作机构筛选
COMPUTER VISION - ECCV 2024, PT L (2025): 340-358
European Conference on Computer Visionpp.227-243, (2024)
IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expopp.1-6, (2024)
CoRR (2024)
CoRR (2024)
ACM International Conference on Multimediapp.8110-8119, (2024)
IEEE Signal Processing Lettersno. 99 (2024): 1-5
CoRR (2024)
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Author Statistics
#Papers: 471
#Citation: 16538
H-Index: 58
G-Index: 118
Sociability: 6
Diversity: 3
Activity: 105
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