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Amit Tiwary, Bhuvan Unhelkar,Alex Berson, Larry Dubov, AnHai Doan,Alon Halevy, Bonnie Biafore, David C Hay, Eric Verzuh, Hans J Thamhain, Jack J Phillips, Lynn Schmidt,James A George,James A Rodger, Joel L Naroff, Ron Scherer,Keesook J Han,Baek-Young Choi,Linda M Orr,Dave J Orr, Olivier Blanchard, Paul Smith,Rini Van Solingen,Egon Berghout, Rod Stephens, William McKnight, Alain Verbeke, Allan Afuah, Bernd H Schmitt, Charles C Poirier, Lynette Ferrara, Francis Hayden, Douglas Neal, Clifford M Gross,Damon Golsorkhi, Linda Rouleau, David Archer,Alex Cameron, Deepa Prahalad, Ravi Sawhney, Don Debelak,Fons Trompenaars, Maarten Nijhoff Asser, Gary Cokins,Graham Hooley, John Saunders, Nigel F Piercy,Brigitte Nicoulaud, Ian Wilson,Jason Wingard, Joe Calloway, Chuck Feltz, Kris Young, John E Silvia, Laura Stack,Lynda Applegate,Robert Austin,Deborah Soule, Lyndsay Wise, Marty Poniatowski, Michael Armstrong, Nilofer Merchant, Orville C Ferrell, Michael D Hartline, Rich Horwath, Sergiu Hart,Andreu Mas-Colell,Shiv Mathur,Alfred Kenyon, Terry Schmidt, William Weir, P Balasubramanian,N Kulatilaka,J Storck, F Buytendijk,TW Oestreich, J Carlopio, MM Cruz-Cunha,TH Davenport, DW De Long, MC Beers, A Goel, A Tiwary, H Schmidt,B Unhelkar, A Goel, A Tiwary, H Schmidt,B Unhelkar, S Harryson, JH Hosbond, L Johnson, GP Furlong, M Kleppmann, JP Kotter,J Manyika, M Chui, B Brown,J Bughin, R Dobbs,C Roxburgh, AH Byers,RE Miles,CC Snow,RE Miles,CC Snow, I Nonaka, M Scott Morton, D Stace, D Dunphy, A Tiwary,B Unhelkar, A Tiwary,B Unhelkar, A Tiwary,B Unhelkar, A Tiwary, A Ghanbary,B Unhelkar, A White, D Logan, David Wood, Dominic Duggan, Jaap Schekkerman,James Luisi, Jason Bloomberg,Stefan Bente,Uwe Bombosch,Alan Eardley, Lorna Uden, David E McNabb, Murray Jennex, Pak Yoong,Tuba Kocaturk,Benachir Medjdoub, P Balasubramanian,N Kulatilaka,J Storck, A Berson, L Dubov, B Biafore, O Blanchard, A Brandenburger, B Nalebuff, F Buytendijk,TW Oestreich, C Camerer, MM Cruz-Cunha, A Dixit
Author Statistics

#Papers: 2

#Citation: 23

H-Index: 1

G-Index: 1

Sociability: 4

Diversity: 0

Activity: 0

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