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Elena Fontanari,L Abu-Lughod,G Agamben, M Agier, Y Bouagga, M Galisson, C Hanappe, M Pette, P Wannesson, AN Ahmad,S Ahmed, M Albahari,P Amar, V Prashad, M Ambrosini, B Anderson, M Ruhs, R Anderson,R Andrijasevic, P Kilpadi, SM Anwaruddin, G Anzaldùa,A Appadurai,C Aradau,H Arendt,M Augé, P Mudu, S Chattopadhyay,E Balibar, K Barak, F Basaglia, F Basaglia Ongaro, M Belloni,W Benjamin, LW Bennett, A Segerberg, F Bertin, E Fontanari, L Gennari, F Bhimji, JG Biehl,B Good, A Kleinman, D Bissell, M Bloch, N Blomley, A Brighenti,M Bojadžijev,S Karakayali, B zur Nieden, M Bolzoni, E Gargiulo, M Manocchi, B Borri, G Borri,P Bourdieu,L Wacquant,P Bourgois, J Schonberg,R Braidotti,F Braudel, J Brekke, G Brochmann, A Brighenti, A Brivio, G Brown, A Feigenbaum, F Frenzel, P McCurdy,M Burawoy, JA Blum,S George,Z Gille, T Gowan, L Haney, M Klawiter, SH Lopez,S Ó Riain,M Thayer,J Butler, I Calvino, William Weaver, G Campesi, A Sbraccia, M Cardano, M Carfagna, A Colombo, G Sciortino, J-P Cassarino, H Castañeda,N De Genova,N Peutz,M Castells,S Castles, A Césaire, I Chambers, S Chauvin, B Garcés-Mascareñas, BS Chimini, L Ciabarri,J Clifford, L Grosberg, C Nelson, PA Treichler, PT Clough, JH Cohen,S Cohen,S Coleman, P Von Hellermann, M Collyer, H de Haas, M Collyer,F Düvell, H de Haas, E Colombo, A Melucci, E Colombo, G Navarini, J Connell, A Corrado,D Perrotta, SB Coutin, K Crenshaw,T Cresswell, J Crowley,D Bigo, G Elspeth, P Cuttitta, SB Cwerner, E Dal Zotto
Lives in Transit: An Ethnographic Study of Refugees’ Subjectivity across European Bordersno. 1 (2019): ix-ix
Sharona Czerniak, Jeffrey A. Gusenoff, Zoe M. Maclsaac, Ryan P. Bram,Dalit Amar, Carl Seynnaeve,David Medich,Sydney Coleman,J. Peter Rubin
Maria Guido,Venancio A. F. Alves,Charles Balabaud, Prithi S. Bathal,Paulette Bioulac-Sage,Romano Colombari,James M. Crawford,Amar P. Dhillon,Linda D. Ferrell,Ryan M. Gill,Prodromos Hytiroglou,Yasuni Nakanuma,Valerie Paradis,Alberto Quaglia,Pierre E. Rautou,Neil D. Theise,Swan Thung,Wilson M. S. Tsui,Christine Sempoux,Dale Snover,Dirk J. van Leeuwen
Dirk J. van Leeuwen,Venancio Alves,Charles Balabaud,Prithi S. Bhathal,Paulette Bioulac-Sage,Romano Colombari,James M. Crawford,Amar P. Dhillon,Linda Ferrell,Ryan M. Gill,Maria Guido,Prodromos Hytiroglou,Yasuni Nakanuma,Valerie Paradis,Pierre Emmanuel Rautou,Christine Sempoux,Dale C. Snover,Neil D. Theise,Swan N. Thung,Wilson M. S. Tsui,Alberto Quaglia
Expert Review of Gastroenterology & Hepatology (2018): 565-573
RADIOLOGYno. 1 (2015): 136-143
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Author Statistics
#Papers: 112
#Citation: 8612
H-Index: 43
G-Index: 86
Sociability: 6
Diversity: 3
Activity: 1
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