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Career Trajectory
I graduated from Novosibirsk State University with a BSc in 2000 (NSU, Department of Chemistry, Ecology and Environmental Management). In 2000 I received an award for the best small river treatment project at the International Ecological and Biospheric Olympiad. Then I graduated from NSU with a MSc (honours) in 2002 (Department of Chemistry and physical chemistry). In 2002 I was awarded with a medal for the best MSc thesis by the Russian Academy of Science. Then I entered in internal postgraduate course at the Trofimuk United Institute of Geology, Geophysics and Mineralogy of Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Science. In 2002 I was awarded a scholarship and a research grant of the Novosibirsk Region Government for post-graduate students (2002). In 2004 I received a PhD in geochemistry. I have been working at the Institute of Geology and Mineralogy SB RAS on various multidisciplinary projects since 2000. Also, I have been worked on material characterisation, metal speciation and recovery from a variety of industrial wastes at UCL (2012-2019), on projects funded by Horizon2020, EPSRC, RAEng, UCL, industry and the Environment Agency.
I am an Associate Professor at the Centre for Agroecology, Water and Resilience (CAWR, Coventry University, UK) (2019-current). My research and teaching interests lay in interdisciplinary area including chemistry, environmental engineering, material science, circular economy and industrial symbiosis. My work is largely directed towards understanding the fate of pollutants (e.g., metals/metalloids, microplastics, pharmaceuticals, etc.) in natural-anthropogenic system and developing sustainable materials & technologies using concepts of industrial symbiosis and circular economy to tackle the environmental issues. I investigated in details a system “Mining wastes – natural objects”, particularly, focusing on: element migration, mobility and speciation; water-rock/soil/waste-gas-living matter interaction; substance transformation; and geochemical barriers. The significant part of my research is focused on urban mining, sustainable resources and processing, materials recycling, wastewater treatment, industrial symbiosis and circular economy, for example, I developed an innovative mine water treatment technology using residues from biomass thermal treatment in energy-from-waste facilities as sustainable industrial symbiosis solution; a novel method for recovery valuable metals from acid mine drainage using Peat-Humic Agent and subsequent thermal treatment; investigated co-processing of air pollution control residues from MSWI plants and smelter slags in the cement kiln to produce sustainable cement clinkers; developed the innovative element recovery technologies from residues from MSWI facilities, metal treatment sludges from the metal finishing industry, and biomass ashes. At the moment, I am working on understanding fate of nano-, submicron- and microplastics in the environment, developing methodologies for microplastics analysis and novel technologies to reduce plastics pollution. I have a wide-range of experience in instrumental analysis (Synchrotron XAS (XANES/EXAFS), CT-scan, and 2D/3D XRF; FTIR and Raman microscopy; SEM/EDS, TEM/STEM, EPMA, XRD, STA, ICP-OES/MS, AAS, IC, LC/MS, etc.). Also, part of my research was focused on the biogeochemical aspects: biogeochemistry of Altay’s lakes, lakes at the Baikal region and Novosibirsk reservoir; the role of the biogenic factor of element accumulation and biominiralization in soil, peat, sapropel and iron-manganese nodules. I contributed to secure 32 internal and external funding and acted as PI (10 projects)/Co-PI/Co-I/Researcher-Co-I on the individual/collaborative multidisciplinary projects funded by H2020, RAEng, EPSRC/NSFC, COST, UCL, CU, RFBR, RAS, SB RAS, NASU, industry and the Environment Agency. I am an author of 4 book chapters and over 50 peer-reviewed papers, the results of which were reported and discussed at national and international scientific conferences. I am an independent external expert in the European Cooperation in Science & Technology (COST Association) and Newton Prize 2020 reviewer (UK National Commission for UNESCO). I am an Associate Editor for the Section 'Circular Economy' within the Journal Frontiers in Sustainability, a topic editor for the journal “Minerals”, and a gust editor of the Special Issue on “Advanced materials in Environmental Chemistry“ at the journal “Molecules“.
Research Interests
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Author Statistics
#Papers: 93
#Citation: 1504
H-Index: 23
G-Index: 35
Sociability: 5
Diversity: 2
Activity: 90
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