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Career Trajectory
Prof. Dr. Anna Keune is Tenure Track Assistant Professor of Learning Sciences and Educational Design Technologies and TUM-IAS Rudolf Mößbauer fellow at the Technical University of Munich (TUM). Anna’s research and teaching stands at the intersection of learning sciences and design. Anna investigates high and low-tech educational design technologies to advance knowledge about STEM learning, transforming what counts as participation and expanding who participates. Her research is guided by constructionist, posthumanist, and participatory theoretical commitments.
Prior to TUM, Anna Keune received postdoctoral training at the University of California, Irvine, and the Ruhr-University Bochum with a focus on STEM equity and adaptive educational technologies. Prior to this, Anna graduated with a PhD in Learning Sciences from Indiana University. Her dissertation on fiber crafts as a context for computer science education won the prestigious Indiana University Distinguished PhD Dissertation Award. Anna also studied New Media Art and Design at Aalto University and was a visiting researcher at the University of California, Berkeley, and the Srishti School of Art, Design, and Technology.
Research Interests
Papers共 55 篇Author StatisticsCo-AuthorSimilar Experts
By YearBy Citation主题筛选期刊级别筛选合作者筛选合作机构筛选
Michael M. Rook,Tutaleni I. Asino,Scott P. McDonald, Lucila Carvalho,Anna Keune, Vishesh Kumar,James Lamb,Phil Tietjen,Mike Tissenbaum,Pippa Yeoman, Brian K. Smith
Proceedings of the 18th International Conference of the Learning Sciences - ICLS 2024 Proceedings of the International Conference of the Learning Sciences (2024)
Proceedings of the 17th International Conference of the Learning Sciences - ICLS 2023 Proceedings of the International Conference of the Learning Sciences (2023)
Santiago Hurtado,Anna Keune
Proceedings of the 17th International Conference of the Learning Sciences - ICLS 2023 Proceedings of the International Conference of the Learning Sciences (2023)
International Encyclopedia of Education(Fourth Edition)pp.44-56, (2023)
Proceedings of the 17th International Conference of the Learning Sciences - ICLS 2023 Proceedings of the International Conference of the Learning Sciences (2023)
Proceedings of the 17th International Conference of the Learning Sciences - ICLS 2023 Proceedings of the International Conference of the Learning Sciences (2023)
Paulo Blikstein, Richard Davis,Leah F. Rosenbaum,Yipu Zheng,Sophia Bender,Erica Halverson,Anna Keune,Lee Martin,Kylie Peppler, Ciara Thomas Murphy,Shirin Vossoughi,Marcelo Aaron Bonilla Worsley,Nickolina Yankova, Paula Hooper
Proceedings of the 17th International Conference of the Learning Sciences - ICLS 2023 Proceedings of the International Conference of the Learning Sciences (2023)
Roland Bechmann,Stefanie Weidner,Jennifer Bednorz, Matthias Hayek,Tilo Behrmann,Manuel Fröhlich,Philipp Wenger,Martin Hierl, Geschliffenen Stoßfugen, Brückenbau Heft,Thomas Benz,Martin Grassl,Georg Binsker,Aligi Foglia, Hansgeorg Binz,Lucio Blandini, Manfred Bischoff,David Borschewski,Walter Haase,Michael Böhm,Timon Burghardt,Daniel Roth, Hansge- Org Binz,Oliver Sawodny,Werner Sobek, Hochhaus Der,Volkmar Bleicher,Richard Stroetmann,Conrad Boley, Robert Höppner,Lisa Wilfing,Stefan Albrecht,Matthias Bosch,Martin Dazer,Dshamil Efinger,Matthias Kreimeyer,Philip Leistner,Markus Nitzlader, Friederike Voigt, Michael A. Weber, Simon Ökobilanzierung, H Schmid Und, Strukturen Heft,Ferdinand Borschnek,Annika Kiesel,Thomas Braml,Johannes Wimmer, Yauhen Varabei,Lars Abrahamczyk, Jahresinhaltsverzeichnis Penava,Benno Eierle,Wolfgang Jehl,Norbert Sack, Gungselemente Von Fenstern, Fassaden Heft,Johann Eisele, Khaled El‐Deib,Thomas Kubalski, Ulrike Elbers, Tragwerkspla- Nung Ressourcenscho- Nendes Bauen -Wege, B Elsesser, Waldemar Foglia, Anthony M. Endres, Bernd Wagner,Eric Ewert,Gregor Schacht,Michael Klippel,Norman Werther,Frank Feindt,Christian Heitmann,Peter Ferschin,Michael Wimmer,Frank Fingerloos,Susanne Urban, Dauerhafte Parkhäu,Maria‐Mirabela Firan,Thomas Pinger,Tulio Quiroz,Viktor Widerspan,Dariya Heinrich, Alexander Schenk,Immo Sanders, Martin Achmus,Mareike Collmann,Manuela Böhm,Peter Schaumann, Waldemar Elsesser,Bert Schädlich,Fabian Kirsch, Thomas Richter,Manfred Gose,Peter Pehl,Patric Kleineidam,Justus Maas,Sercan Ibis,Clemens Hübler, Raimund Rolfes,Ivan Izmestiev,Lars Jahnel,Lukas Helm,Hauke Jandrey, André Jeske, Maximilian Scheil,Ulrich Castrischer, Stephan Akkermann, Jan Jäppelt, Ulrich Rother, Roland Von Thaden, Harald Grundin- Standsetzung, Wehr Geesthacht An Der Elbe Heft, Michael Kaliske,Johannes Storm,Felix Kaplan,Oliver Steinbock,Katrin Saloga,Gino Ebell, Sebastian Schmidt, Überwa- Chung Der Brücke Am Altstäd- Ter, Bahnhof Heft, Dennis Kargus,Hendrik Mischo,Christian Kaufmann,Holger Maiwald,Hannes Kaufmann,Andreas Keil,Sebastian van der Linden, Jakob Weber, Kampmannbrücke Die, Essen Über,Anna Keune, Harald Kloft, Ronald H. Stein, Stephan Christoph, Minden Kanalbrücke,Martin Kilian,Steffen Kinzler,Achim Hettler, E Kirsch, François Foglia, Aligi Kleineidam, Pierfrancesco Foglia, Aligi Klemt-Albert, Katharina Hartung, Robert Klemt-Albert, Katharina Naraniecki
Bautechnikno. 1 (2023)
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Author Statistics
#Papers: 55
#Citation: 338
H-Index: 9
G-Index: 18
Sociability: 5
Diversity: 2
Activity: 9
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