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Career Trajectory
Ashish Joglekar received the Ph.D. degree in EMI/EMC from the Department of Electronics Systems Engineering, Indian Institute of Science (IISc) in 2015. He is currently a Visiting Faculty with the Robert Bosch Center for Cyber–Physical Systems, IISc, where he is a Senior Member of Technical Staff of Hardware Design with the AI and Robots Technology Park. His research interests include design of analog sensor front ends, design for electromagnetic compatibility, active EMI filters, switched mode power converter design, and motor control.
Research Interests
Papers共 37 篇Author StatisticsCo-AuthorSimilar Experts
By YearBy Citation主题筛选期刊级别筛选合作者筛选合作机构筛选
Ashish Joglekar,Alok Rawat, Ashwin Gerard Colaco, Aswin Prasad I S, Praphulla Ranjan,Raghava Doreswamy, Rajat Chopra,Amrutur Bharadwaj, Bharath Govindraju, Fashid Rahman,Himanshu Tyagi,Naveen Arulselvan,Preetam Patil,S. V. R. Anand,Vishal Sevani
IoTaISpp.278-284, (2022)
IEEE transactions on smart gridno. 3 (2022): 2185-2196
IEEE Transactions on Information Theoryno. 8 (2021): 5230-5258
Siva Athreya,Giridhara R. Babu, Aniruddha Iyer, Mohammed Minhaas B. S.,Nihesh Rathod,Sharad Shriram,Rajesh Sundaresan,Nidhin Koshy Vaidhiyan,Sarath Yasodharan
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Author Statistics
#Papers: 37
#Citation: 411
H-Index: 12
G-Index: 19
Sociability: 5
Diversity: 3
Activity: 25
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- 学生
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