views: 1276
Career Trajectory
He is an IEEE Fellow, ACM Fellow, member of the CHI Academy, and winner of 19 Best Paper type awards and 6 Most Influential Paper Awards. He is the author or editor of over 550 publications, including the books "Pick, Click, Flick! The Story of Interaction Techniques", "Creating User Interfaces by Demonstration" and "Languages for Developing User Interfaces," and he has been on the editorial board of six journals. He has been a consultant on user interface design and implementation to over 90 companies, and regularly teaches courses on user interface design and software. Myers received a PhD in computer science at the University of Toronto where he developed the Peridot user interface tool. He received the MS and BSc degrees from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology during which time he was a research intern at Xerox PARC. From 1980 until 1983, he worked at PERQ Systems Corporation. His research interests include user interfaces, programming environments, programming language design, end-user software engineering (EUSE), API usability, developer experience (DevX or DX), interaction techniques, programming by example, mobile computing, and visual programming. He belongs to ACM, SIGCHI, IEEE, and the IEEE Computer Society.
Research Interests
Papers共 625 篇Author StatisticsCo-AuthorSimilar Experts
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ICMI '24 Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on Multimodal Interactionpp.76-85, (2024)
CoRR (2024)
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Author Statistics
#Papers: 629
#Citation: 34059
H-Index: 89
G-Index: 167
Sociability: 7
Diversity: 2
Activity: 40
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