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Career Trajectory
Dr. Bradford Wood is Chief of IR and directs a multi-disciplinary team (NIH Center for Interventional Oncology) that develops and translates devices, software, and navigation approaches for cancer patients via novel local and regional minimally-invasive image-guided therapies.
His team's achievements include helping to pioneer several technologies from concept to bench to patient, and was “first- -in-human” for the following device/drug combinations: prostate cancer MRI/TRUS fusion biopsy and ablation, image-able iodinated drug eluting beads for chemoembolization of liver tumors, kidney cancer ablation, adrenal cancer ablation, heat-deployed nanoparticle chemotherapy with thermal ablation for liver cancer, electromagnetic tracking for fusion of ultrasound to CT, MR, and PET, and fusion for biopsy and ablation.
His team's research relies upon multi-disciplinary team science within multiple institutes and international public-private partnerships. His team has mentored hundreds of students, fellows, physicians, nurses, and scientists. His teams have authored 50 patents, books on radiology and interventional urology, and co-authored more than 500 peer-reviewed manuscripts, with an H-index of 84, including JAMA, NEJM, Nature Communications, Science, Lancet, Blood, Chest, Cancer, JCO, CCR, JAMA Oncology, Hepatology, Medical Physics, and Scientific Reports.
His team's achievements include helping to pioneer several technologies from concept to bench to patient, and was “first- -in-human” for the following device/drug combinations: prostate cancer MRI/TRUS fusion biopsy and ablation, image-able iodinated drug eluting beads for chemoembolization of liver tumors, kidney cancer ablation, adrenal cancer ablation, heat-deployed nanoparticle chemotherapy with thermal ablation for liver cancer, electromagnetic tracking for fusion of ultrasound to CT, MR, and PET, and fusion for biopsy and ablation.
His team's research relies upon multi-disciplinary team science within multiple institutes and international public-private partnerships. His team has mentored hundreds of students, fellows, physicians, nurses, and scientists. His teams have authored 50 patents, books on radiology and interventional urology, and co-authored more than 500 peer-reviewed manuscripts, with an H-index of 84, including JAMA, NEJM, Nature Communications, Science, Lancet, Blood, Chest, Cancer, JCO, CCR, JAMA Oncology, Hepatology, Medical Physics, and Scientific Reports.
Research Interests
Papers共 1051 篇Author StatisticsCo-AuthorSimilar Experts
By YearBy Citation主题筛选期刊级别筛选合作者筛选合作机构筛选
Omer Tarik Esengur,Enis C. Yilmaz, Kutsev B. Ozyoruk, Alex Chen,Nathan S. Lay,David G. Gelikman,Maria J. Merino, Sandeep Gurram,Bradford J. Wood, Peter L. Choyke,Stephanie A. Harmon,Peter A. Pinto,Baris Turkbey
PloS oneno. 12 (2024): e0310345-e0310345
BJUI Compassno. 7 (2024): 665-667
Oncotargetno. 1 (2024): 288-300
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Author Statistics
#Papers: 1046
#Citation: 29482
H-Index: 83
G-Index: 148
Sociability: 8
Diversity: 4
Activity: 264
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- 学生
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