views: 97
Career Trajectory
Byung-Gyu Kim (Senior Member, IEEE) received the B.S. degree from Pusan National University, Republic of Korea, in 1996, the M.S. degree from Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST), in 1998, and the Ph.D. degree from the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, KAIST, in 2004.
In March 2004, he joined the Real-Time Multimedia Research Team, Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI), South Korea, where he was a Senior Researcher. In ETRI, he developed so many real-time video signal processing algorithms and patents and received the Best Paper Award, in 2007. From February 2009 to February 2016, he was an Associate Professor with the Division of Computer Science and Engineering, Sun Moon University, South Korea. In March 2016, he joined the Department of Information Technology (IT) Engineering, Sookmyung Women’s University, South Korea, where he is currently a Full Professor. He has published over 240 international journal articles and conference papers and patents in his field.
Dr. Kim is a Professional Member of ACM and IEICE. He also served or serves on Organizing Committee for CSIP 2011, a Co-Organizer for CICCAT2016/2017, The Seventh International Conference on Advanced Computing, Networking, and InformaticsN (ICACNI 2019), the EAI 13th International Conference on Wireless Internet Communications Conference (WiCON 2020), and the program committee members of many international conferences. He has received the Special Merit Award for Outstanding Paper from the IEEE Consumer Electronics Society at IEEE ICCE 2012, the Certification Appreciation Award from the SPIE Optical Engineering, in 2013, and the Best Academic Award from the CIS, in 2014. Also, he received Excellent Paper Award at IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics (IEEE ICCE) 2021 (by IEEE CT Society). He has been serving as a Professional Reviewer in many academic journals, including IEEE, ACM, Elsevier, Springer, Oxford, SPIE, IET, MDPI, and IT&T. In 2007, he served as an Editorial Board Member for the International Journal of Soft Computing, Recent Patents on Signal Processing, the Research Journal of Information Technology, the Journal of Convergence Information Technology, and the Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences. He has been serving as an Associate Editor (AE) for Circuits, Systems and Signal Processing (Springer), The Journal of Supercomputing (Springer), Journal of Real Time Image Processing (Springer), Heliyon Computer Science (Cell Press), and Applied Sciences (MDPI). He has been serving as the Editor-in-Chief (EiC) for Journal of Multimedia Information System and Korea Multimedia Society (KCI indexed). Since March 2018, he has been serving as the Editor-in-Chief for The Journal of Multimedia Information System and an Associate Editor (AE) for IEEE Access. For more information visit the link (https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=Jl4y9tcAAAAJ&hl).
Research Interests
Papers共 255 篇Author StatisticsCo-AuthorSimilar Experts
By YearBy Citation主题筛选期刊级别筛选合作者筛选合作机构筛选
IEEE Transactions on Green Communications and Networkingno. 99 (2024): 1-1
IEEE accesspp.1-1, (2024)
IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systemsno. 99 (2024): 1-15
CAAI transactions on intelligence technology (2024)
IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronicspp.1-3, (2024)
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technologyno. 99 (2024): 1-14
IEEE transactions on consumer electronicspp.1-1, (2024)
IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systemsno. 99 (2024): 1-12
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Author Statistics
#Papers: 258
#Citation: 4212
H-Index: 29
G-Index: 59
Sociability: 6
Diversity: 0
Activity: 3
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