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Career Trajectory
Building on my earliest observations of ligand binding to folded proteins, I became fascinated by the balance of interactions that enable proteins and their complexes to survive in the gas phase. This has guided my research over the years and prompted many of my current questions and future directions.
The central tenet of our research is that native mass spectrometry (MS), a technique which enables interactions of proteins to be maintained in the gas phase, can provide unparalleled information on the structure, binding partners and dynamics of proteins, complementing other biophysical approaches yet a powerful tool in its own right. Particularly exciting is, I believe, the agility with which native MS can be adapted and applied to the research challenges of our time. Our overall goal is to continue to develop and advance our native MS methods for application to a range of fundamental and applied research goals.
The central tenet of our research is that native mass spectrometry (MS), a technique which enables interactions of proteins to be maintained in the gas phase, can provide unparalleled information on the structure, binding partners and dynamics of proteins, complementing other biophysical approaches yet a powerful tool in its own right. Particularly exciting is, I believe, the agility with which native MS can be adapted and applied to the research challenges of our time. Our overall goal is to continue to develop and advance our native MS methods for application to a range of fundamental and applied research goals.
Research Interests
Papers共 819 篇Author StatisticsCo-AuthorSimilar Experts
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CHEMBIOCHEMno. 22 (2024)
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Author Statistics
#Papers: 781
#Citation: 56617
H-Index: 125
G-Index: 211
Sociability: 8
Diversity: 4
Activity: 190
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