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Agustina Legaz, Florencia Altschuler, Raul Gonzalez-Gomez,Hernán Hernández,Sandra Baez,Joaquín Migeot,Sol Fittipaldi, Vicente Medel,Marcelo Adrián Maito, María E Godoy, Sebastián Moguilner, Josephine Cruzat, Carlos Coronel-Oliveros, Enzo Tagliazuchi,Hernando Santamaria Garcia,Francesca R Farina, Pablo Reyes,Shireen Javandel,Adolfo M García, Álvaro Deleglise, Diana L Matallana,José Alberto Avila-Funes,Andrea Slachevsky, María I Behrens,Nilton Custodio,Catalina Trujillo-Llano,Juan F Cardona,Pablo Barttfeld, Ignacio L Brusco, Martín A Bruno, Ana L Sosa Ortiz,Stefanie D Pina-Escudero, Leonel T Takada, Elisa de Paula França Resende,Katherine L Possin, Maira Okada de Oliveira,Kun Hu,Francisco Lopera,Brian Lawlor,Victor Valcour,Jennifer S Yokoyama,Bruce Miller,Agustin Ibañez
Brain stimulationno. 6 (2024): 1241-1243
Francois Quesque,Antoine Coutrot,Sharon Cox,Leonardo Cruz de Souza,Sandra Baez,Juan Felipe Cardona,Hannah Mulet-Perreault,Emma Flanagan,Alejandra Neely-Prado,Maria Florencia Clarens,Luciana Cassimiro,Gada Musa,Jennifer Kemp,Anne Botzung,Nathalie Philippi,Maura Cosseddu,Catalina Trujillo-Llano,Johan Sebastian Grisales-Cardenas,Sol Fittipaldi,Nahuel Magrath Guimet,Ismael Luis Calandri,Lucia Crivelli,Lucas Sedeno,Adolfo M. Garcia,Fermin Moreno,Begona Indakoetxea,Alberto Benussi,Millena Vieira Brandao Moura,Hernando Santamaria-Garcia,Diana Matallana,Galina Pryanishnikova,Anna Morozova, Olga Iakovleva,Nadezda Veryugina,Oleg Levin,Lina Zhao,Junhua Liang,Thomas Duning,Thibaud Lebouvier,Florence Pasquier,David Huepe,Myriam Barandiaran,Andreas Johnen,Elena Lyashenko,Ricardo F. Allegri,Barbara Borroni,Frederic Blanc,Fen Wang,Monica Sanches Yassuda,Patricia Lillo,Antonio Lucio Teixeira,Paulo Caramelli,Carol Hudon,Andrea Slachevsky,Agustin Ibanez,Michael Hornberger,Maxime Bertoux
Juan F. Cardona,Johan S. Grisales-Cardenas,Catalina Trujillo-Llano,Jesus A. Diazgranados,Hugo F. Urquina,Sebastian Cardona, Alejandra Torres, Liliana A. Torres, Lina M. Gonzalez,Tania Jaramillo,Judith Cediel, Nelcy Onate-Cadena,Geral Mateus-Ferro,Fernando Marmolejo-Ramos
Journal of Alzheimer s Diseaseno. 1 (2021): 227-248
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Author Statistics
#Papers: 12
#Citation: 53
H-Index: 4
G-Index: 6
Sociability: 5
Diversity: 2
Activity: 3
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