views: 29
Career Trajectory
I am a professor at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel and neuroscientist specialized in neuroimaging (MRI, SPECT) and neurocognition in the psychiatric field, with a keen interest in addiction and translational studies. Since 2012, I extended my field of research towards finding suitable biomarkers to detect chronic drug use through hair analyses, and I am currently working at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel and the University Hospital Brussels (Psychiatry department).
Research Interests
Papers共 129 篇Author StatisticsCo-AuthorSimilar Experts
By YearBy Citation主题筛选期刊级别筛选合作者筛选合作机构筛选
Christoffer Brynte,Arnt Schellekens,Csaba Barta, Alex H A Begeman,Cleo L Crunelle, Costanza Daigre,Zsolt Demetrovics, Geert Dom,Lara Grau-López,Mariely Hernandez, Romain Icick,Brian Johnson,Máté Kapitány-Fövény, Michiel van Kernebeek,Maija Konstenius,Frances R Levin, Mathias Luderer,Frieda Matthys,Franz Moggi,J Antoni Ramos-Quiroga, Laura Schleussner, Norman Therribout,Anil Thomas,Florence Vorspan,Wim van den Brink, Johan Franck
Amine Zerrouk, Charlotte Migchels,Clara De Ruysscher, Kim Fernandez,Jerome Antoine,Frieda Matthys,Wim van den Brink,Cleo Crunelle,Wouter Vanderplasschen
Matthieu Pierre, Lukas Claus, Kinge Berends,Seline Van den Ameele,Cleo L Crunelle, Nathalie Vanderbruggen
Psychiatria Danubinano. 3-4 (2024): 379-385
Charlotte Migchels,Wim van den Brink, Amine Zerrouk,Frieda Matthys,Clara De Ruysscher,Wouter Vanderplasschen,Cleo L. Crunelle
DRUG AND ALCOHOL REVIEWno. 7 (2024): 2021-2034
Christoffer Brynte,Arnt Schellekens,Csaba Barta, Alex H. Abraham Begeman,Cleo L. Crunelle, Costanza Daigre,Zsolt Demetrovics, Geert Dom,Lara Grau-López,Mariely Hernandez,Romain Icick,Brian Johnson,Máté Kapitány-Fövény, Michiel van Kernebeek,Maija Konstenius,Frances R. Levin, Mathias Luderer,Frieda Matthys, Franz Moggi,J. Antoni Ramos-Quiroga, Laura Schleussner,Norman Therribout,Anil Thomas,Florence Vorspan,Wim van den Brink, Johan Franck
The Journal of Clinical Psychiatryno. 1 (2024)
Neuroscience Applied (2023): 102708
Cleo L. Crunelle,Tom Van Daele,Sven Van Laere, Stefaan Blancke,Nathalie Vanderbruggen,Frieda Matthys
Tijdschrift voor psychiatrieno. 10 (2023): 609-612
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Author Statistics
#Papers: 129
#Citation: 2418
H-Index: 24
G-Index: 47
Sociability: 6
Diversity: 3
Activity: 6
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