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Papers共 113 篇Author StatisticsCo-AuthorSimilar Experts
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Franz Felix Konen, Nora Möhn,Torsten Witte, Matthias Schefzyk, Miriam Wiestler, Svjetlana Lovric, Karsten Hufendiek, Konstantin Fritz Jendretzky, Stefan Gingele,Philipp Schwenkenbecher, Kurt-Wolfram Sühs, Manuel A Friese, Luisa Klotz, Refik Pul,Marc Pawlitzki,David Hagin, Christoph Kleinschnitz, Sven G Meuth,Thomas Skripuletz
Autoimmunity reviewsno. 4 (2025): 103754-103754
M. A. Riedl,H. Farkas,E. Aygoeren-Puersuen,F. Psarros,D. F. Soteres,M. Staevska,M. Cancian,D. Hagin,D. Honda,I Melamed,S. Savic,M. Stobiecki,P. J. Busse,E. Dias de Castro,N. Agmon-Levin,R. Gower,A. Kessel,M. Kurowski,R. Lleonart,V. Grivcheva Panovska,H. J. Wedner,P. K. Audhya,J. Hao,M. Iverson,M. D. Smith,C. M. Yea,W. R. Lumry,A. Zanichelli,J. A. Bernstein,M. Maurer,D. M. Cohn
New England Journal of Medicineno. 1 (2024): 32-43
Baruch Wolach,Ronit Gavrieli,Ofir Wolach,Pazit Salamon,Martin de Boer,Karin van Leeuwen,Omar Abuzaitoun,Arnon Broides,Giora Gottesman,Galia Grisaru-Soen,David Hagin,Nufar Marcus,Menachem Rottem,Yechiel Schlesinger,Tali Stauber,Polina Stepensky,Yael Dinur-Schejter,Tal Zeeli,Suheir Hanna,Amos Etzioni,Shirly Frizinsky,Raz Somech,Dirk Roos,Idit Lachover-Roth
BLOODno. 12 (2024): 1300-1313
Frontiers in Immunology (2024)
Tali Eviatar, Adi Pappo,Tal Freund, Yishai Friedlander,Ori Elkayam,David Hagin,Merav Heshin-Bekenstein
Clinical & Experimental Immunologyno. 2 (2024): 167-172
Nora Moehn,Lea Grote-Levi,Mike P. Wattjes,Agnes Bonifacius, Dennis Holzwart,Franziska Hopfner,Sandra Nay,Sabine Tischer-Zimmermann, Mieke Luise Sassmann,Philipp Schwenkenbecher,Kurt-Wolfram Suehs,Nima Mahmoudi,Clemens Warnke,Julian Zimmermann,David Hagin,Lilia Goudeva,Rainer Blasczyk,Armin Koch,Britta Maecker-Kolhoff,Britta Eiz-Vesper,Guenter Hoeglinger,Thomas Skripuletz
Eviatar T., Freund T., Pappo A., Friedlander Y.,Elkayam O., Hiralla A.T.,Hagin D.,Heshin-Bekenstein M.
Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases (2024): 312
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Author Statistics
#Papers: 114
#Citation: 2424
H-Index: 23
G-Index: 48
Sociability: 7
Diversity: 3
Activity: 24
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