views: 109
Career Trajectory
Clinician scientist with expertise in prostate and bladder cancer, liquid biopsies, radiation oncology, and molecular biomarker discovery. Associate Professor of Radiation Oncology at Harvard Medical School. Investigator in the Krantz Family Center for Cancer Research at the Massachusetts General Hospital. Associate Member of the Broad Institute of Harvard and MIT.
Research Interests
Papers共 141 篇Author StatisticsCo-AuthorSimilar Experts
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Translational andrology and urologyno. 7 (2024): 1319-1323
Journal of the National Comprehensive Cancer Networkno. 2.5 (2024)
K. Shah, H. Lee, Z. Soetan,B.Y. Yeap, M. Moteabbed, S. Muise,J. Cowan,K. Remillard,B.L. Silvia,S.C. Kamran,D.T. Miyamoto,H. Paganetti, J.A. Efstathiou,I. Chamseddine
International Journal of Radiation OncologyBiologyPhysicsno. 2 (2024)
A.J. Wisdom,B.Y. Yeap,J.M. Michalski, A.L. Zietman,J.P. Christodouleas,S.C. Kamran,R.R. Parikh,N. Vapiwala,W.F. Hartsell,D.T. Miyamoto, J. Zeng,T.M. Pisansky,M.V. Mishra,D.E. Spratt,N.P. Mendenhall,E.M. Soffen,J.E. Bekelman, J.A. Efstathiou
International Journal of Radiation OncologyBiologyPhysicsno. 2 (2024)
Amy J Wisdom,Beow Y Yeap,Jeff M Michalski,Nora K Horick,Anthony L Zietman,John P Christodouleas,Sophia C Kamran,Rahul R Parikh,Neha Vapiwala,Stephen Mihalcik,David T Miyamoto,Jing Zeng,Hiram A Gay,Thomas M Pisansky,Mark V Mishra,Daniel E Spratt,Nancy P Mendenhall,Edward M Soffen,Justin E Bekelman,Jason A Efstathiou
S.C. Kamran, M. Borges, D.E. Spratt,N. Vapiwala, J.A. Efstathiou,D.T. Miyamoto,K.W. Mouw,M.A.L. Vyfhuis, Q.T. Le, H. Willers,E.M. Van Allen, F.W. Huang,J.M. Michalski,J.P. Bahary, J. Helou,H. Lukka, S. Pugh, J. Wenzel,F.Y. Feng, P.T. Tran
International Journal of Radiation OncologyBiologyPhysicsno. 2 (2024)
David J. McConkey,Brian C. Baumann, Stephanie Cooper Greenberg,David J. DeGraff,Scott E. Delacroix,Jason A. Efstathiou,Jared Foster,Susan Groshen,Edward E. Kadel,Francesca Khani,William Y. Kim,Seth P. Lerner,Trevor Levin,Joseph C. Liao,Matthew I. Milowsky,Joshua J. Meeks,David T. Miyamoto,Kent W. Mouw,Eugene J. Pietzak,David B. Solit,Debasish Sundi,Abdul Tawab-Amiri,Pamela J. West,Sara E. Wobker,Alexander W. Wyatt,Andrea B. Apolo,Peter C. Black
Bladder cancerpp.1-8, (2024)
Journal of Clinical Oncologyno. 4_suppl (2024): 213-213
Avanish Mishra, Shih-Bo Huang,Taronish Dubash,Risa Burr,Jon F Edd,Ben S Wittner, Quinn E Cunneely, Victor R Putaturo, Akansha Deshpande, Ezgi Antmen,Kaustav A Gopinathan,Keisuke Otani, Yoshiyuki Miyazawa, Ji Eun Kwak, Sara Y Guay, Justin Kelly,John Walsh,Linda Nieman, Isabella Galler,PuiYee Chan,Michael S Lawrence,Ryan J Sullivan,Aditya Bardia,Douglas S Micalizzi,Lecia V Sequist,Richard J Lee,Joseph W Franses,David T Ting, Patricia A R Brunker,Shyamala Maheswaran,David T Miyamoto,Daniel A Haber,Mehmet Toner
bioRxiv : the preprint server for biology (2024)
Sophia C Kamran,Yukako Otani,David Qi,Isabella Rose Pompa,Richard Kuo Dzeng, Rea Pittie, Ella Chung,Keisuke Otani,Jennifer Y Wo,Anthony L Zietman, Patrick M Reeves,Eliezer M Van Allen,Jason A Efstathiou,David T Miyamoto
Journal of the National Comprehensive Cancer Networkno. 2.5 (2024)
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Author Statistics
#Papers: 143
#Citation: 10424
H-Index: 32
G-Index: 74
Sociability: 7
Diversity: 3
Activity: 77
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