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My group investigates the basic principles underlying animal cell morphogenesis. A precise control of cellular shape is key to cell physiology, and cell shape deregulation is at the heart of many pathological disorders including cancer. Yet, how cells regulate their own shape remains poorly understood. We investigate this question taking an interdisciplinary approach combining molecular and cell biology, quantitative imaging, mechanical measurements and physical modelling.
We particularly focus on the cell cortex, a thin actomyosin network that lies under the plasma membrane and determines the shape of most animal cells. The cortex enables the cell to resist externally applied stresses and to exert mechanical work. As such, it plays a role in normal physiology during events involving cell deformation such as cell division and migration, and in the pathophysiology of diseases such as cancer where cell shape is often deregulated.
We particularly focus on the cell cortex, a thin actomyosin network that lies under the plasma membrane and determines the shape of most animal cells. The cortex enables the cell to resist externally applied stresses and to exert mechanical work. As such, it plays a role in normal physiology during events involving cell deformation such as cell division and migration, and in the pathophysiology of diseases such as cancer where cell shape is often deregulated.
Research Interests
Papers共 94 篇Author StatisticsCo-AuthorSimilar Experts
By YearBy Citation主题筛选期刊级别筛选合作者筛选合作机构筛选
Cellno. 2 (2024): 219-224
Cellno. 2 (2024): 219-224
CELLno. 2 (2024): 219-224
Wallace Marshall,Buzz Baum, Adrienne Fairhall, Carl-Philipp Heisenberg, Elena Koslover, Andrea Liu,Yanlan Mao, Alex Mogilner,Celeste M Nelson,Ewa K Paluch, Xavier Trepat, Alpha Yap
Current biology CBno. 20 (2024): R950-R960
N. Vadnjal,S. Nourreddine,G. Lavoie, M. Serres, R. Peters,A. Jegou, G. Romet-Lemmone, F. Parmeggiani,P. Roux,E. Paluch
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Author Statistics
#Papers: 95
#Citation: 8404
H-Index: 35
G-Index: 59
Sociability: 5
Diversity: 3
Activity: 16
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