views: 81
Career Trajectory
I started my collaboration with CNR in 2000 with my M.S. thesis. I have been Research Assistant from 2001 to 2007 and I have been Research Scientist (Fixed Term) since 2008. Since April 2012 I have a CNR permanent position as a Research Scientist.
In 2003 I spent one year at the Robotics Institute of Carnegie Mellon University working at the synthesis of user-oriented explanations within mixed-initiative solvers.
My research interests span on Mixed-Initiative Problem Solving, Methods for Evaluating Intelligent System features, Human Computer Interaction and Human-Robot Interaction.
I have been part of the CNR team that worked with ESA for ten years and developed the interaction module of several deployed systems. I have been involved in the user evaluation of new robotic technology in RoboCare and, currently, in ExCITE. I have been work-package leader in PANDORA, working on user modeling and engagement monitoring for interactive crisis training and PI for CNR in Giraff+ a new project (FP7, ICT Call 7) where I act as project technical manager and also work on personalized monitoring technology for old people.
Research Interests
Papers共 213 篇Author StatisticsCo-AuthorSimilar Experts
By YearBy Citation主题筛选期刊级别筛选合作者筛选合作机构筛选
Lecture Notes in Computer Science AIxIA 2024 – Advances in Artificial Intelligencepp.119-132, (2025)
Roberta Bevilacqua,Elvira Maranesi, Marco Benadduci,Gabriella Cortellessa,Alessandro Umbrico, Francesca Fracasso, Giovanni Melone, Arianna Margaritini, Angela La Forgia, Pierpaolo Di Bitonto,Ada Potenza, Laura Fiorini,Carlo La Viola, Filippo Cavallo,Alessandro Leone, Andrea Caroppo,Gabriele Rescio, Mauro Marzorati,Amedeo Cesta,Giuseppe Pelliccioni,Giovanni Renato Riccardi,Lorena Rossi
JMIR aging (2025): e62930-e62930
Sofia Ceccarelli,Amedeo Cesta,Gabriella Cortellessa,Riccardo De Benedictis,Francesca Fracasso,Laura Leopardi, Luca Ligios, Ernesto Lombardi,Saverio Giulio Malatesta,Angelo Oddi,Alfonsina Pagano,Augusto Palombini, Gianmauro Romagna,Marta Sanzari,Marco Schaerf
Digital Applications in Archaeology and Cultural Heritagepp.e00340-e00340, (2024)
IEEE/ASME International Conference on Mechatronic and Embedded Systems and Applicationspp.1-8, (2024)
Mariacarla Staffa,Riccardo De Benedictis, Ilaria Amaro,Alessia Auriemma Citarella, Fabiola De Marco, Luigi Di Biasi,Gabriella Cortellessa, Claudia Di Napoli, Francesca Fracasso, Chiara Giacobbe, Marco Matarese,Gabriella Santangelo, Alessandra Sciutti,Genoveffa Tortora
Lecture Notes in Bioengineering Ambient Assisted Livingpp.224-242, (2024)
Marianna Capecci,Elisa Andrenelli, Albin Bajrami, Nicolò Baldini,Gloria Beraldo, Maria Gabriella Ceravolo, Francesco Crudele, Leonardo D’Alessandro, Massimiliano D’Amico, Alessandro De Robertis, Maurizio Gaziano,Angela la Forgia, Alessia Laforgia, Giovanni Melone, Matteo Palpacelli,Alessandro Umbrico,Gabriella Cortellessa
Lecture Notes in Bioengineering Ambient Assisted Livingpp.253-265, (2024)
Lecture Notes in Bioengineering Ambient Assisted Livingpp.564-574, (2024)
C. Roumen, J. Rainbird,K. Verhoeven, G. Bologna, A. Bombezin-Domino,T. Rattay,J. van Soest,A. Dekker,M. Joore, A. Pannison, A. Perotti,B. L. T. Ramaekers,S. Rivera,A. Romita,A. Traverso,A. J. Webb,I. Koutsopoulos,C. J. Talbot,G. Cortellessa,F. Fracasso
European Journal of Cancer (2024): 113820-113820
Y. Liang, J. Rainbird,G. Cortellessa, M. Balia, G. Bologna,I. Koutsopoulos, A. Pannison, A. Perotti,B. Ramaekers,T. Rattay,S. Rivera,A. Romita,C. Roumen, C. Talbot,K. Verhoeven, M. Bergeaud,F. Fracasso
International Journal of Radiation OncologyBiologyPhysicsno. 2 (2024)
T. Rattay, G. Bologna, A. Bombezin-Domino,G. Cortellessa,A. Dekker,F. Fracasso,M. Joore, A. Pannison, A. Perotti,B. L. T. Ramaekers,S. Rivera,A. Romita,C. Roumen,J. van Soest,A. Traverso,F. Tohidinezhad,K. Verhoeven,A. J. Webb,I. Koutsopoulos,C. J. Talbot
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Author Statistics
#Papers: 214
#Citation: 3182
H-Index: 27
G-Index: 43
Sociability: 7
Diversity: 2
Activity: 6
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- 学生
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