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Career Trajectory
Henry Chapman leads the Coherent X-Ray Imaging division at the Center for Free Electron Laser Science at DESY, and is a professor of physics at the University of Hamburg. His work exploits the tremendous new capabilities of X-ray free-electron lasers, which deliver X-ray pulses that are a billion times more intense than synchrotron radiation, to determine the structure and dynamics of complex materials including macromolecules. He led landmark experiments at FLASH (DESY) and the LCLS (SLAC) that demonstrated the possibility to “outrun” radiation damage with fast pulses and obtain atomic-resolution images from room temperature protein nanocrystals. His group develops algorithms, instrumentation, and methods for 3D imaging with FEL pulses and collaborates with leading structural biologists around the world.
Research Interests
Papers共 663 篇Author StatisticsCo-AuthorSimilar Experts
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Henry N Chapman,Chufeng Li,Saša Bajt, Mansi Butola,J Lukas Dresselhaus,Dmitry Egorov,Holger Fleckenstein,Nikolay Ivanov, Antonia Kiene,Bjarne Klopprogge,Viviane Kremling,Philipp Middendorf,Dominik Oberthuer,Mauro Prasciolu, T Emilie S Scheer,Janina Sprenger, Jia Chyi Wong,Oleksandr Yefanov,Margarita Zakharova,Wenhui Zhang
Structural dynamics (Melville, NY)no. 1 (2025): 014301-014301
Optica Imaging Congress 2024 (3D, AOMS, COSI, ISA, pcAOP) (2024)
OPTICS EXPRESSno. 17 (2024): 30879-30897
Zhou Shen,Salah Awel,Anton Barty,Richard Bean,Johan Bielecki,Martin Bergemann,Benedikt J. Daurer,Tomas Ekeberg,Armando D. Estillore,Hans Fangohr,Klaus Giewekemeyer,Mark S. Hunter,Mikhail Karnevskiy,Richard A. Kirian,Henry Kirkwood,Yoonhee Kim,Jayanath Koliyadu,Holger Lange,Romain Letrun,Jannik Lübke,Abhishek Mall,Thomas Michelat,Andrew J. Morgan,Nils Roth,Amit K. Samanta,Tokushi Sato,Marcin Sikorski,Florian Schulz,Patrik Vagovic,Tamme Wollweber,Lena Worbs,Paul Lourdu Xavier,Filipe R. N. C. Maia,Daniel A. Horke,Jochen Küpper,Adrian P. Mancuso,Henry N. Chapman,Kartik Ayyer,N. Duane Loh
arXiv (Cornell University) (2024)
Tomas Ekeberg,Dameli Assalauova,Johan Bielecki,Rebecca Boll,Benedikt J. Daurer,Lutz A. Eichacker,Linda E. Franken,Davide E. Galli,Luca Gelisio,Lars Gumprecht,Laura H. Gunn,Janos Hajdu,Robert Hartmann,Dirk Hasse,Alexandr Ignatenko,Jayanath Koliyadu,Olena Kulyk,Ruslan Kurta,Markus Kuster,Wolfgang Lugmayr,Jannik Lübke,Adrian P. Mancuso,Tommaso Mazza,Carl Nettelblad,Yevheniy Ovcharenko,Daniel E. Rivas,Max Rose,Amit K. Samanta,Philipp Schmidt,Egor Sobolev,Nicusor Timneanu,Sergey Usenko,Daniel Westphal,Tamme Wollweber,Lena Worbs,Paul Lourdu Xavier,Hazem Yousef,Kartik Ayyer,Henry N. Chapman,Jonas A. Sellberg,Carolin Seuring,Ivan A. Vartanyants,Jochen Küpper,Michael Meyer,Filipe R. N. C. Maia
Journal of Physics Conference Seriesno. 1 (2024)
Journal of Medicinal Chemistryno. 9 (2024): 7048-7067
Kartik Ayyer,P. Lourdu Xavier,Johan Bielecki, Zhou Shen,Benedikt J. Daurer,Amit Samanta,Salah Awel,Richard Bean,Anton Barty,Tomas Ekeberg,Armando D. Estillore,Klaus Giewekemeyer,Mark S. Hunter,Richard A. Kirian,Henry Kirkwood,Yoonhee Kim,Jayanath Koliyadu,Holger Lange,Romain Letruin,Jannik Lübke,Andrew J. Morgan,Nils Roth,Tokushi Sato,Marcin Sikorski,Florian Schulz,John C. H. Spence,Patrik Vagovič,Tamme Wollweber,Lena Worbs,Oleksandr Yefanov,Yulong Zhuang,Filipe R. N. C. Maia,Daniel A. Horke,Jochen Küpper,N. Duane Loh,Adrian P. Mancuso⋈,Henry N. Chapman
OSTI OAI (US Department of Energy Office of Scientific and Technical Information) (2024)
Viviane Kremling,Sven Falke,Yaiza Fernández-García,Christiane Ehrt, Antonia Kiene,Bjarne Klopprogge, Emilie Scheer,Fabian Barthels,Philipp Middendorf, Sebastian Kühn,Stephan Günther,Matthias Rarey,Henry N. Chapman,Dominik Oberthür,Janina Sprenger
bioRxiv (Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory) (2024)
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Author Statistics
#Papers: 664
#Citation: 27608
H-Index: 82
G-Index: 153
Sociability: 8
Diversity: 3
Activity: 42
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