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Career Trajectory
I work on understanding and defining the capabilities of large language models in relation to the human language system. My research focuses on creating empirical testing grounds for understanding 1) how language models learn abstract structure and 2) how language models use abstract structure.
I am especially interested in pursuing an interdisciplinary research program, combining computational empirical machine learning methods with theories of structure and meaning in human language. My principal interests include: how language models learn and use generalizable grammatical abstractions, the interaction between structure and meaning representations in high-dimensional vector spaces, and using multilingual settings to test the limits of abstraction in language models.
I am especially interested in pursuing an interdisciplinary research program, combining computational empirical machine learning methods with theories of structure and meaning in human language. My principal interests include: how language models learn and use generalizable grammatical abstractions, the interaction between structure and meaning representations in high-dimensional vector spaces, and using multilingual settings to test the limits of abstraction in language models.
Research Interests
Papers共 13 篇Author StatisticsCo-AuthorSimilar Experts
By YearBy Citation主题筛选期刊级别筛选合作者筛选合作机构筛选
arXiv (Cornell University) (2024): 14691-14714
Julia Kreutzer,Isaac Caswell,Lisa Wang,Ahsan Wahab,Daan van Esch,Nasanbayar Ulzii-Orshikh,Allahsera Tapo,Nishant Subramani,Artem Sokolov,Claytone Sikasote, Monang Setyawan,Supheakmungkol Sarin, Sokhar Samb,Benoit Sagot,Clara Rivera,Annette Rios,Isabel Papadimitriou,Salomey Osei,Pedro Ortiz Suarez,Iroro Orife,Kelechi Ogueji,Andre Niyongabo Rubungo,Toan Q. Nguyen,Mathias Mueller, Andre Mueller,Shamsuddeen Hassan Muhammad, Nanda Muhammad, Ayanda Mnyakeni,Jamshidbek Mirzakhalov,Tapiwanashe Matangira,Colin Leong, Nze Lawson,Sneha Kudugunta,Yacine Jernite,Mathias Jenny,Orhan Firat,Bonaventure F. P. Dossou,Sakhile Dlamini,Nisansa de Silva,Sakine Cabuk Balli,Stella Biderman,Alessia Battisti,Ahmed Baruwa,Ankur Bapna,Pallavi Baljekar,Israel Abebe Azime,Ayodele Awokoya,Duygu Ataman,Orevaoghene Ahia,Oghenefego Ahia,Sweta Agrawal,Mofetoluwa Adeyemi
CoRR (2022)
Findings (2022)
SCIL (2022)
Proceedings of the Society for Computation in Linguisticsno. 1 (2021): 425-426
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Author Statistics
#Papers: 13
#Citation: 128
H-Index: 4
G-Index: 5
Sociability: 4
Diversity: 1
Activity: 17
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