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Career Trajectory
Jaco Du Preez (Graduate Student Member, IEEE) received the joint B.Eng. degree (Hons.) from the University of Pretoria (UP), South Africa, in 2014 and 2015, respectively. He is currently pursuing the Ph.D. degree in electrical and electronic engineering with the University of Johannesburg (UJ). He is also researching SiGe BiCMOS power combining amplifiers operating in E-band frequencies with UJ. He started his professional career with Etion Create (formerly Parsec) as a Design Engineer, in 2017, fulfilling hardware, software, and firmware roles on several projects in the defense and commercial sectors, serving local and international clients. He joined Poynting Antennas, Johannesburg, South Africa, in 2021, as an RF Design Engineer and moved to Saab Grintek Defence, Centurion, South Africa, as a Microwave Design Engineer, in 2023. He has published three technical books on millimeter-wave topics ranging from antennas to power amplifiers and several peer-reviewed articles on fourth industrial revolution (4IR) and RF silicon technology-related topics. His research interests include millimeter-wave integrated circuit technology and the application thereof in wireless communications, radar, and defense applications.
Research Interests
Papers共 30 篇Author StatisticsCo-AuthorSimilar Experts
By YearBy Citation主题筛选期刊级别筛选合作者筛选合作机构筛选
Johannes Wynand Lambrechts,Saurabh Sinha,Kaushik Sengupta,Abadahigwa Bimana, Suvarna Kadam,Sheetal Bhandari,Jaco Du Preez,Zijian Shao,Xiaolong Huang,Zheng Liu,Emir Ali Karahan,Tyler Blundo, Muhamed Allam, Sherif Ghozzy, Jonathan Zhou, Wenkai Fang,Joe Valliarampath
IEEE Access (2024): 21402-21419
IEEE Access (2023): 55596-55617
Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering State-of-the-Art of Millimeter-Wave Silicon Technologypp.35-50, (2022)
Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering State-of-the-Art of Millimeter-Wave Silicon Technologypp.145-160, (2022)
Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering State-of-the-Art of Millimeter-Wave Silicon Technologypp.51-72, (2022)
Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering State-of-the-Art of Millimeter-Wave Silicon Technologypp.123-143, (2022)
Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering State-of-the-Art of Millimeter-Wave Silicon Technologypp.73-98, (2022)
Lecture notes in electrical engineeringpp.17-34, (2022)
Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering State-of-the-Art of Millimeter-Wave Silicon Technologypp.99-121, (2022)
Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering State-of-the-Art of Millimeter-Wave Silicon Technologypp.1-15, (2022)
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Author Statistics
#Papers: 30
#Citation: 33
H-Index: 2
G-Index: 5
Sociability: 3
Diversity: 0
Activity: 0
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