views: 27
Career Trajectory
The aim my research is to improve science and address health disparities through the rigorous evaluation of interventions and their methods of implementation. My research agenda advances scientific understanding of the social forces influencing mental health and substance use disorders, and I do this through a focus on the harms of socioeconomic marginalization and childhood adversity and in a way that includes the perspectives of people with lived experience. I approach my research with a life course perspective that ensures phenomena like childhood adversity are properly contextualized and situated with an understanding of the way adversities build over time and across generations, through the concept of linked lives. While my primary appointment is in the School of Nursing, I am an interdisciplinary researcher at heart, coming to the UW from a postdoctoral fellowship in Sociology at the University of British Columbia (in Vancouver, Canada).
Research Interests
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Author Statistics
#Papers: 54
#Citation: 522
H-Index: 10
G-Index: 22
Sociability: 5
Diversity: 3
Activity: 16
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