views: 31
Career Trajectory
Johannes Gojo is currently working as attending physician in pediatric neuro-oncology at the Department of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine at the Medical University of Vienna and as Visiting Scientist and Post-doctoral fellow at the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute in Boston. The primary field of his research is pediatric neuro-oncology.
Research Interests
Papers共 217 篇Author StatisticsCo-AuthorSimilar Experts
By YearBy Citation主题筛选期刊级别筛选合作者筛选合作机构筛选
Denise Obrecht-Sturm,Melanie Schoof,Alicia Eckhardt,Martin Mynarek,Mark R. Gilbert,Kenneth Aldape,Terri S. Armstrong,Vijay Ramaswamy,Michael Bockmayr,Katja von Hoff,Gudrun Fleischhack,Jonas E. Adolph,Stephan Tippelt,Stefan M. Pfister,Kristian Pajtler,Dominik Sturm,Richard Drexler,Franz L. Ricklefs,Natalia Stepien,Johannes Gojo,Torsten Pietsch,Monika Warmuth-Metz,Rolf Kortmann,Beate Timmermann,Christine Haberler,Stefan Rutkowski,Ulrich Schueller
Neuro-oncologyno. 1 (2025): 267-276
Neuro-oncologyno. Supplement_4 (2024): 0-0
Neal Geisemeyer,Aniello Federico,Martin Sill,Marc Rosenblum,Tejus Bale,Monika Mauermann,Daniel Schrimpf,Pascal Johann,Jessica Pickles,Kenneth Aldape,Arnault Tauziede-Espariat,Martin Hasselblatt,Dominik Sturm,Anna Tietze,Andreas von Deimling,Philipp Sievers,Felix Sahm,Johannes Gojo,Katja von Hoff,Stefan M. Pfister,Marcel Kool
Natalia Stepien,Daniel Senfter,Julia Freund, Sarah Machreich,Katharina Bruckner,Leah Mager,Anna Laemmerer,Carola Jaunecker,Christine Pirker,Daniela Lotsch-Gojo,Lisa Mayr,Cora Hedrich,Maria Aliotti Lippolis,Hannah Schned, Clara Koller,Barbara Kiesel,Christian Dorfer,Amedeo A. Azizi,Andreas Peyrl,Maria T. Schmook,Philipp Euskirchen,Marc Pages-Gallego,Carlo Vermeulen,Bastiaan Tops,Christine Haberler,Leonhard Mullauer,Sibylle Madlener,Johannes Gojo
Neuro-Oncologyno. Supplement_4 (2024): 0-0
Carola N. Jaunecker,Julia Freund,Anna Laemmerer,Mieke Roosen,Dominik Kirchhofer, Antonia Otto, Sybille Madlener,Leah Mager,Katharina Bruckner,Natalia Stepien,Christine Pirker,Lisa Gabler,Daniel Senfter,Anne Jenseit,Peter Kuess,Franziska Eckert,Sabine Spiegl-Kreinecker, Cristian Dorfer,Mariella Filbin,Marcel Kool,Johannes Gojo,Walter Berger,Daniela Loetsch-Gojo
Ulrike Leiss,Carina Schneider,Hannah Gsell, Anna-Maria Maletzky,Anita Kienesberger,Claas Rohl, Albina Bocolli,Johannes Gojo,Rita Hansl, Anna Zettl,Liesa J. Weiler-Wichtl
Lucie Auffret, Clémentine Barry,Yassine Ajlil,Arnault Tauziède-Espariat,Lisa Mayr,Marie Simbozel,Thomas Kergrohen,Chloé Puiseux,Laurent Riffaud,Pascale Blouin,Anne-Isabelle Bertozzi,Pierre Leblond,Klas Blomgren, Sébastien Froelich,Alberto Picca,Mehdi Touat,Marc Sanson,Kevin Beccaria,Thomas Blauwblomme,Volodia Dangouloff-Ros,Nathalie Boddaert,Johannes Gojo,Mariella Filbin,Pascale Varlet,Marie-Anne Debily,Jacques Grill,David Castel
Neuro-Oncologyno. Supplement_8 (2024)
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Author Statistics
#Papers: 217
#Citation: 1751
H-Index: 22
G-Index: 41
Sociability: 7
Diversity: 2
Activity: 43
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