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Papers共 44 篇Author StatisticsCo-AuthorSimilar Experts

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Andres Almeida,Scott F. Anderson,Maria Argudo-Fernandez,Carles Badenes,Kat Barger,Jorge K. Barrera-Ballesteros,Chad F. Bender,Erika Benitez,Felipe Besser,Jonathan C. Bird,Dmitry Bizyaev,Michael R. Blanton,John Bochanski,Jo Bovy,William Nielsen Brandt,Joel R. Brownstein,Johannes Buchner,Esra Bulbul,Joseph N. Burchett, Mariana Cano Diaz,Joleen K. Carlberg,Andrew R. Casey,Vedant Chandra,Brian Cherinka,Cristina Chiappini,Abigail A. Coker,Johan Comparat,Charlie Conroy,Gabriella Contardo,Arlin Cortes,Kevin Covey,Jeffrey D. Crane,Katia Cunha,Collin Dabbieri,James W. Davidson,Megan C. Davis,Anna Barbara de Andrade Queiroz,Nathan De Lee, Jose Eduardo Mendez Delgado,Sebastian Demasi,Francesco Di Mille,John Donor,Peter Dow,Tom Dwelly,Mike Eracleous,Jamey Eriksen,Xiaohui Fan,Emily Farr,Sara Frederick,Logan Fries,Peter Frinchaboy,Boris T. Gaensicke,Junqiang Ge, Consuelo Gonzalez Avila,Katie Grabowski,Catherine Grier,Guillaume Guiglion,Pramod Gupta,Patrick Hall,Keith Hawkins,Christian R. Hayes,J. J. Hermes,Lorena Hernandez-Garcia,David W. Hogg,Jon A. Holtzman,Hector Javier Ibarra-Medel,Alexander Ji,Paula Jofre,Jennifer A. Johnson,Amy M. Jones,Karen Kinemuchi,Matthias Kluge,Anton Koekemoer,Juna A. Kollmeier,Marina Kounkel,Dhanesh Krishnarao,Mirko Krumpe,Ivan Lacerna, Paulo Jakson Assuncao Lago,Chervin Laporte,Chao Liu,Ang Liu,Xin Liu,Alexandre Roman Lopes,Matin Macktoobian,Steven R. Majewski,Viktor Malanushenko,Dan Maoz,Thomas Masseron,Karen L. Masters,Gal Matijevic,Aidan McBride,Ilija Medan,Andrea Merloni,Sean Morrison,Natalie Myers,Szabolcs Meszaros,C. Alenka Negrete,David L. Nidever,Christian Nitschelm,Daniel Oravetz,Audrey Oravetz,Kaike Pan,Yingjie Peng,Marc H. Pinsonneault,Rick Pogge,Dan Qiu,Solange V. Ramirez,Hans-Walter Rix, Daniela Fernandez Rosso,Jessie Runnoe,Mara Salvato,Sebastian F. Sanchez,Felipe A. Santana,Andrew Saydjari,Conor Sayres,Kevin C. Schlaufman,Donald P. Schneider,Axel Schwope,Javier Serna,Yue Shen,Jennifer Sobeck,Ying-Yi Song,Diogo Souto,Taylor Spoo,Keivan G. Stassun,Matthias Steinmetz,Ilya Straumit,Guy Stringfellow,Jose Sanchez-Gallego,Manuchehr Taghizadeh-Popp,Jamie Tayar,Ani Thakar,Patricia B. Tissera,Andrew Tkachenko,Hector Hernandez Toledo,Benny Trakhtenbrot,Jose G. Fernandez-Trincado,Nicholas Troup,Jonathan R. Trump,Sarah Tuttle,Natalie Ulloa,Jose Antonio Vazquez-Mata,Pablo Vera Alfaro,Sandro Villanova,Stefanie Wachter,Anne-Marie Weijmans,Adam Wheeler,John Wilson, Leigh Wojno,Julien Wolf,Xiang-Xiang Xue,Jason E. Ybarra,Eleonora Zari,Gail Zasowski
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Author Statistics

#Papers: 45

#Citation: 7365

H-Index: 19

G-Index: 28

Sociability: 7

Diversity: 2

Activity: 16

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