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Muhammad Alrabeiah received his Ph.D. in electrical engineering from the school of Electrical, Computer, and Energy Engineering (ECEE), at Arizona State University (ASU), Tempe, AZ, USA in 2021, his Master of Applied Sciences (MASc) degree in electrical engineering from McMaster University, Hamilton, ON, Canada in 2015, and his Bachelor of Engineering (BEng) and from King Saud University (KSU), Riyadh, KSA in 2010. Dr. Alrabeiah holds an assistant professor position in the Electrical Engineering Department (EE Dept) at KSU, and he was a recipient of KSU’s scholarship for graduate-studies abroad. His research interests revolve around the field of Machine Learning (ML), with his recent work focusing on the applications of deep learning in computer vision, wireless communications, and wireless sensing.
Research Interests
Papers共 30 篇Author StatisticsCo-AuthorSimilar Experts
By YearBy Citation主题筛选期刊级别筛选合作者筛选合作机构筛选
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technologypp.1-16, (2024)
Abdulrahman B. B. Abdelaziz, Mohammad A. A. Rahimi,Muhammad R. R. Alrabeiah,Ahmed B. B. Ibrahim,Ahmed S. S. Almaiman,Amr M. M. Ragheb,Saleh A. A. Alshebeili
ELECTRONICSno. 1 (2023)
Ziyad N. Alotaibi, Saeed A. Khouli,Ahmed B. Ibrahim,Muhammad Alrabeiah,Amr M. Ragheb,Ahmed S. Almaiman,Saleh A. Alshebeili
IEEE photonics journalno. 6 (2022): 1-7
Informationno. 3 (2022): 106-106
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Author Statistics
#Papers: 30
#Citation: 1159
H-Index: 16
G-Index: 23
Sociability: 4
Diversity: 2
Activity: 16
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