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Career Trajectory
I am Nash Anderson, a chiropractic practitioner in private practice with a passion for sports and exercise medicine. My goal is to break that false dichotomy that clinicians have no place in academic research.
In addition to my clinical work, I have been fortunate enough to contribute to the field of sports medicine through my involvement with Sports Medicine Australia. I have been a member of the Scientific Committee (ACT State Council) since 2017 and am honoured to serve as the current ACT Chair (ACT State Council) since 2021. I have also been privileged to work as a Senior Associate Editor for BMJ's Open Sport & Exercise Medicine since 2017.
My research interests cover a variety of topics within sports and exercise medicine, including the application and evaluation of emerging technologies, concussion management, and social media engagement for health professionals. I am grateful to have had the opportunity to publish my work in journals such as BMJ Open Sport & Exercise Medicine, British Journal of Sports Medicine, and Swiss Sports & Exercise Medicine.
Some of my publications include exploring the potential future of AI in sports and exercise medicine, analyzing the growing impact of BOSEM, discussing sport taxonomy in manuscripts, and examining the use of various popular mobile apps in sports medicine and health, such as Emergency+, Pokémon Go, and StrongLifts 5x5 Workout.
As I continue my journey in sports and exercise medicine, I strive to learn from my colleagues, generate valuable insights, collaborate with experts across various disciplines, and contribute to academic organizations. I am dedicated to fostering high-quality research in my role as a Senior Associate Editor and remain committed to the ongoing development of the field.
Research Interests
Papers共 12 篇Author StatisticsCo-AuthorSimilar Experts
By YearBy Citation主题筛选期刊级别筛选合作者筛选合作机构筛选
BMJ open sport & exercise medicineno. 3 (2024): e002256-e002256
Nash Anderson,Diana Gai Robinson,Evert Verhagen,Kristina Fagher,Pascal Edouard,Daniel Rojas-Valverde,Osman Hassan Ahmed,Moa Jederström,Laila Usacka,Justine Benoit-Piau, Candy Giselle Foelix,Carole Akinyi Okoth, Nefeli Tsiouti,Trine Moholdt,Larissa Pinheiro,Sharief Hendricks,Blair Hamilton,Rina Magnani,Marelise Badenhorst,Daniel L Belavy
BMJ OPEN SPORT & EXERCISE MEDICINEno. 1 (2023): e001568-e001568
Evert Verhagen,Fabio Oliveira,Osman Hassan Ahmed,Nash Anderson,Marelise Badenhorst,Sheree Bekker,Daniel Ludovic Belavy,Tracy Blake,Chao Cao,Justin Carrard,Lingxiao Chen,Sonia Wing Mei Cheng,Pascal Edouard,Amy Harwood,Sharief Hendricks,Luiz Hespanhol, Ronan Kearney,David Keohane,Rina Magnani,Dominic Mah,Yorgi Mavros, Nikki Mcleary,Aamir Raoof Memon,Trine Moholdt,Ana Morais Azevedo,Joske Nauta, Greig Nicol,Habib Noorbhai, Ikponmwonsa Ogbonmwan,Patrick J. Owen,Nirmala Panagodage Perera,Mike Reiman,Renan Resende,Diana Gai Robinson,Daniel Rojas-Valverde,Nicola Sewry,Siobhan Statuta,Femke Van Nassau, Liam West,Patrick Crane Wheeler,Tao Xiao,Tej Pandya
British journal of sports medicineno. 15 (2020): 932-933
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Author Statistics
#Papers: 12
#Citation: 48
H-Index: 2
G-Index: 4
Sociability: 4
Diversity: 1
Activity: 6
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