views: 186
Career Trajectory
Diabetic late complications focusing on micro- and macrovascular complications of the kidney and cardiovascular system, but also diabetic nerve damage, foot ulcers etc. New biomarkers of early signs of risk of developing diabetic complications. Clinical trials with new treatments that may be promising for the prevention and treatment of diabetic complications, especially kidney disease.
Research Interests
Papers共 1199 篇Author StatisticsCo-AuthorSimilar Experts
By YearBy Citation主题筛选期刊级别筛选合作者筛选合作机构筛选
Cristina Legido-Quigley, Nicolai J. Wewer Albrechtsen, Martin Bæk Blond,Marcelo Corrales Compagnucci, Madeleine Ernst, Markus J. Herrgård,Timo Minssen, Filip Ottosson,Flemming Pociot,Peter Rossing, Karolina Sulek
Nature Medicinepp.1-2, (2025)
Yun Huang,Sara Elizabeth Stinson, Malte Thodberg,Louise Aas Holm, Roman Thielemann,Karolina Sulek, Morten Asp Vonsild Lund,Cilius Esmann Fonvig, Min Kim,Kajetan Trost, Helene Bæk Juel, Trine Nielsen,Peter Rossing,Maja Thiele,Aleksander Krag, Cristina Legido-Quigley,Jens-Christian Holm,Torben Hansen
eBioMedicine (2025): 105537
Joao Pedro P. Ferreira, Stefan D Anker, Biff F Palmer,Bertram Pitt,Peter Rossing, Luis M Ruilope,Christoph Wanner, Youssef M.K. Farag, Andrea Horvat-Broecker, Marc Lambelet, Meike Brinker, Katja Rohwedder,Gerasimos Filippatos, Marco Lavagnino
Journal of Cardiac Failureno. 1 (2025): 190-191
Abhilasha Akerkar, Pernille F Rønn, Vanja Kosjerina, Christian Stevns Hansen, Adam Hulman, Frederik Persson,Anne Rasmussen,Peter Rossing, Tarunveer S Ahluwalia
Diabetes, obesity & metabolism (2025)
Robert J. Mentz, Stefan D. Anker,Bertram Pitt,Peter Rossing, Luis M. Ruilope, Martin Gebel, Peter Kolkhof, Robert Lawatscheck, Katja Rohwedder, George L. Bakris
European Journal of Heart Failure (2025)
JOURNAL OF HYPERTENSIONno. 8 (2024): 1331-1339
Journal of the American Society of Nephrologyno. 10S (2024)
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Author Statistics
#Papers: 1212
#Citation: 40490
H-Index: 98
G-Index: 174
Sociability: 9
Diversity: 3
Activity: 177
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