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Career Trajectory
Dr. Ralph Kimberlin wrote the text book “Flight Testing of Fixed-Wing Aircraft”. He is a Fellow of the Society of Experimental Test Pilots with 8500 flight hours in over 250 different aircraft including 25 first flights. He earned a Doctor of Engineering from the Technical University of Aachen, Germany. He is a U.S. Naval Academy graduate and was commissioned as an Air Force officer. While serving in Vietnam, he was one of three officers responsible for the development and combat evaluation of the AC-47 side-firing gun ship. He was a test pilot and flight test engineer for Piper, Rockwell International, and Beech Aircraft companies for 10 years. He was a professor and program chair at the University of Tennessee Space Institute for 27 years. Dr. Kimberlin has taught courses in Performance Flight Test and Stability & Control Flight Test at Florida Tech since 2012.
Research Interests
Papers共 13 篇Author StatisticsCo-AuthorSimilar Experts
By YearBy Citation主题筛选期刊级别筛选合作者筛选合作机构筛选
2021 IEEE Aerospace Conference (50100) (2021)
Emils Senkans,Brian A. Kish,Markus Wilde,Ralph D. Kimberlin,Ross Schaller,David G. Sizoo, Tahir Kanchwala, Hem Lata, Rakhayai Mangsatabam
2021 IEEE Aerospace Conference (50100) (2021)
Journal of Aviation Technology and Engineeringno. 2 (2021)
2018 Flight Testing Conference (2018)
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Author Statistics
#Papers: 13
#Citation: 144
H-Index: 2
G-Index: 5
Sociability: 3
Diversity: 1
Activity: 0
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