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Career Trajectory
Professor Atun’s research has two major strands. The first research strand examines health systems performance and how design and implementation of health systems reforms impact on outcomes. The second strand of research explores adoption and diffusion of innovations in health systems (e.g. health technologies, disease control programmes, and primary healthcare reforms), and innovative financing in global health.
Research Interests
Papers共 630 篇Author StatisticsCo-AuthorSimilar Experts
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Hedvig Hricak, John O Prior,Ada Muellner, May Abdel-Wahab, Bibb Allen,Rifat Atun, Giovanni G Cerri, Wilfred Ngwa,Monika Hierath,Andrew M Scott
The Lancet Oncologyno. 1 (2025): 7-9
Frontiers in Public Health (2025)
Nicholas Feasey, Raheelah Ahmad,Elizabeth Ashley,Rifat Atun, Kate S Baker, Francesca Chiari, H. Rogier van Doorn,Alison Holmes, Timothy Jinks, Andrew Jermy, Jyoti Joshi, Souha S Kanj, Matt King,Direk Limmathurotsakul,Janet Midega,Mirfin Mpundu, Jamie Nunn, Iruka N. Okeke, Stuart Reid,Dawn Sievert,Paul Turner, Kamini Walia, Sharon J Peacock
Wellcome Open Research (2025)
PLOS Global Public Healthno. 11 (2024): e0003867
Suliman Alghnam,Mohammad Bosaeed, Abdulrahman Aljouie,Saeed Mastour Alshahrani, Omar Alshenqeety,Rifat Atun, Saleh Alqahtani
Edward Briercheck,Doug Pyle,Cary Adams,Rifat Atun,Christopher Booth,Jennifer Dent, Pat Garcia-Gonzalez,Andre Ilbawi,Abdul Rahman Jazieh,David Kerr,Felicia Knaul,Emily Kobayashi,Christopher Lim, Maurizio Maza, Danny Milner, Maria Fernanda Navarro, Meg O'Brien,Carlos Rodriguez-Galindo,Richard Sullivan,Julie Torode,Everett Vokes,Julie Gralow
Sivesh Kamarajah,Adesoji O Ademuyiwa,Rifat Atun,Alarcos Cieza, Fareeda Agyei,Dhruva Ghosh, Jaymie Claire Ang Henry, Souliath Lawani,John Meara, Ben Morton, Kee B Park,Dion G Morton,Teri Reynolds, Abdul Ghaffar
BMJ global healthno. Suppl 4 (2024)
Sang Gune K. Yoo,Grace S. Chung,Silver K. Bahendeka,Abla M. Sibai,Albertino Damasceno,Farshad Farzadfar,Peter Rohloff,Corine Houehanou,Bolormaa Norov,Khem B. Karki,Mohammadreza Azangou-Khyavy,Maja E. Marcus,Krishna K. Aryal,Luisa C. C. Brant,Michaela Theilmann,Renata Cifkova,Nuno Lunet,Mongal S. Gurung,Joseph Kibachio Mwangi,Joao Martins,Rosa Haghshenas,Lela Sturua,Sebastian Vollmer,Till Barnighausen,Rifat Atun,Jeremy B. Sussman,Kavita Singh,Sahar Saeedi Moghaddam,David Guwatudde,Pascal Geldsetzer,Jennifer Manne-Goehler,Mark D. Huffman,Justine I. Davies,David Flood
GLOBAL HEARTno. 1 (2024)
The Lancet Oncology (2024)
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Author Statistics
#Papers: 635
#Citation: 30833
H-Index: 83
G-Index: 159
Sociability: 8
Diversity: 3
Activity: 201
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