views: 316
Career Trajectory
He has published over 80 papers in the area of high performance computing, computer systems, and system performance, has filed over 66 patents with over 46 issued, has an h-index of 42 with over 7500 citations, has given over 87 external invited presentations, and generated over 18 press articles.
Research Interests
Papers共 147 篇Author StatisticsCo-AuthorSimilar Experts
By YearBy Citation主题筛选期刊级别筛选合作者筛选合作机构筛选
Operating Systems for Supercomputers and High Performance Computing High-Performance Computing Seriespp.3-15, (2019)
Operating Systems for Supercomputers and High Performance ComputingHigh-Performance Computing Seriespp.307-334, (2019)
Operating Systems for Supercomputers and High Performance Computing High-Performance Computing Seriespp.95-98, (2019)
A. B. Bailey,Adam Bertsch,Barna L. Bihari,Brian Carnes,K Cupps,Erik W. Draeger,Laurence E. Fried, Mark Gary,James N. Glosli,John C. Gyllenhaal,Steven H. Langer, Rose McCallen, A.A. Mirin,Fady Najjar,Albert L. Nichols, Theresa Quinn,David Richards, Tom Spelce,Becky Springmeyer,Frederick H. Streitz,Bronis de Supinski,Pavlos Vranas,Dong Chen,George Chiu,P. Coteus,Thomas W. Fox,Thomas M. Gooding,John A. Gunnels,R.A. Haring,Philip Heidelberger,Todd Inglett, Kyu Hyun Kim,Amith R. Mamidala, Sam Miller, Mike Nelson,Martin Ohmacht,Fabrizio Petrini,Kyung Dong Ryu, A. Schram, Robert F. Shearer, R. E. Walkup,Amy Wang,Robert W. Wisniewski,William E. Allcock, Charles Bacon,Raymond A. Bair,Ramesh Balakrishnan,Richard Coffey,Susan Coghlan,Jeff R. Hammond,Mark Hereld,Kalyan Kumaran,Paul Messina,Vitali Morozov,Michael E. Papka,Katherine Riley,Nichols A. Romero,Timothy J. Williams
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Author Statistics
#Papers: 144
#Citation: 6079
H-Index: 38
G-Index: 71
Sociability: 6
Diversity: 1
Activity: 1
- 合作者
- 学生
- 导师
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