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Career Trajectory
Susana Alves is an expert in lipid metabolism in ruminants with a PhD in Veterinary Sciences from ICBAS-University of Porto obtained in 2011. Her thesis was focused on studying the ruminant lipid nutrition and metabolism. Her PhD work was conducted at INIAV-Santarém, with a short stay at Cornell University (USA). Now, she is a Researcher at Laboratory of Animal Production Systems of CIISA-Faculty of Veterinary Medicine (University of Lisbon). Since 2006, Susana published more than 100 papers in international peer reviewed journals. She has also published a few book chapters and more than 90 abstracts in Congress Proceedings. Her research interests are focused on the following topics: Ruminant lipid nutrition and metabolism, Lipidomics, Rumen microbiome, Lipid metabolic pathways, Bacterial membrane lipids, Animal production, Food quality and safety.
Research Interests
Papers共 197 篇Author StatisticsCo-AuthorSimilar Experts
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Andreia A M Chaves,David M Ribeiro,Cátia F Martins, Tatiane Fernandes,Margarida R G Maia,António J M Fonseca,Ana R J Cabrita,Susana P Alves,Mário Pinho, Rui J B Bessa,André M de Almeida,João P B Freire
Animals an open access journal from MDPIno. 24 (2024)
Miguel F Pedro,Manólis Matzapetákis,Susana P Alves, María Zervoú,Margarida R G Maia, António J M de Fonseca,Ana R Cabrita, Rui J B Bessa,João P B Freire,André M de Almeida
Journal of Animal Scienceno. Supplement_3 (2024): 407-408
Susana P Alves,Ana Cristina Vitor, Carmen Garrine,Tatiane Fernandes,Paolo Nanni,Bernd Roschitzki,Graeme Attwood,Jonas Grossmann,Endre Laczko,André M de Almeida, Rui J B Bessa
Small Ruminant Research (2024): 107289-107289
F. Sena, A. P. Portugal,M. T. Dentinho, J. Costa, A. Francisco, S. Moradi,K. Paulos, D. M. Soares, D. Henriques, A. Oliveira, H. Ramos,R. Bexiga, J. J. Correia,T. Domingos, G. Alexandre-Pires,S. P. Alves,R. J. B. Bessa,J. Santos-Silva
animalno. 8 (2024): 101249-101249
F. Sena,P. V. Portugal,M. T. Dentinho,K. Paulos,C. Costa, D. M. Soares, A. Oliveira, H. Ramos,S. P. Alves,J. Santos-Silva,R. J. B. Bessa
JOURNAL OF DAIRY SCIENCEno. 3 (2024): 1472-1484
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Author Statistics
#Papers: 198
#Citation: 4357
H-Index: 34
G-Index: 57
Sociability: 7
Diversity: 3
Activity: 7
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